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Search results

  1. pitbull20

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    got some nice specks out there, I am in a red fish mood though. :D don't you have to have a small engine to be allowed there?
  2. pitbull20

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    depends on what you like to do. I will be spending a ton of time at the casino playing poker. you can go to the riverwalk, there are quite a few things. Honestly once you get past Harrahs though.. i tend to not know. :D
  3. pitbull20

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hello all. I am 31 live in Walker , LA (just outside Baton Rouge) Life long Tiger fan, I have a shirt that states "I survived the Hallman years!" Love to Saltwater fish, Race my mustang and spend time with my 2 sons. 7 and 2. both of them learned the chants and pregame song before they...
  4. pitbull20

    Visiting LSU fans: please read

    It does me soem good to see that more than just SEC fans see LSU as the true 2003 Champs. I think if the BCS (hey it is all we got) is gonna work, then people have to recognize it as what it is. If USC had beaten LSU out for the shot at the title, I honestly would have been happy with our BCS...
  5. pitbull20

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    I am new here (Tiger Fan from BR) so I will give you my perception. I think these two team are eerily similar in some aspects. Solid Running game with a QB that makes good decisions but will not win the Hiesman. Great D-lines and solid CB play. I think LSU has the upperhand in Athletes, but...