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Search results

  1. LSUfaninMiss

    Congrats LSU!!

    I want to thank all the Buckeye fans here for the kind words always shown to me when I was on this board. I am not surprised about all the nice things that are being said by Tiger fans concerning Buckeye fans. It is evident here how classy ya'll are. I have stayed away from this board until...
  2. LSUfaninMiss

    LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    I just love Punkin, the Tiger kitty.
  3. LSUfaninMiss

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    I agree with ya Nutriaitch, the fans here are great. Remember though, at the Notre Dame board last year, I was one of the few who didn't get banned. :lol:
  4. LSUfaninMiss

    How would you gameplan against OSU

    :cry: Yep the third one would make me nervous I wouldn't be able to drink another crown and coke, I would be throwing up all over the place, or having a heart attack or something.
  5. LSUfaninMiss

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    That is great, how long did it take you or ya'll to drink them and then spell that out. Surely ya'll thought of that before you started drinking.:lol:
  6. LSUfaninMiss

    The Bands

    That was awesome, I have never seen ya'lls band before, I am very impressed.
  7. LSUfaninMiss

    The Bands

    What do you mean when you say to dot the I?
  8. LSUfaninMiss

    The Bands

    I can look on the tape of the game that I have and see if I can see what he is saying
  9. LSUfaninMiss

    The Bands

    There is not a team that I hate worse than Ole Miss:wink2:
  10. LSUfaninMiss

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    That is kinda weird, but it is cool too.:wink2:
  11. LSUfaninMiss

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    I agree with you.
  12. LSUfaninMiss

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hi everyone, I am new to this board also. I am a female and I live in Mississippi, I have been a LSU fan since I can remember. I hate Ole Miss worse than I hate any team. I have a brand new grandbaby, which is part of my signature, he is our first one, and naturally he is already a LSU...
  13. LSUfaninMiss

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    Thanks, I love college football, I actually love all college sports.
  14. LSUfaninMiss

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    That is nice of you. By the way, I am one of the ladies he is talking about. I have only read a few posts here, but this appears to be a great board.