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Search results

  1. Fgiord

    Gameplanning against LSU

    Flynn doesn't need to beat y'all with his arm. If i were y'all i would be more worried about our running backs. You will be seeing hester, williams, scott, murphy, and holliday. Good luck trying to shut down out run game
  2. Fgiord

    Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    Well we're used to playing night games and drinking all day saturday and friday night. For me it's beam all day saturday. Will you buckeyes (that are going) be able to handle an entire day of drinking in new orleans? We'll show y'all how we pregame down here
  3. Fgiord

    Gameplanning against LSU

    I really hope miles actually plays RP in this game. Before the SECCG he wasn't even seeing the field. But after that SECCG there's no way miles can't play him more.