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Search results

  1. Gameplanning against LSU

    I think if OSU wants to beat LSU they will have to come up with something unconventional. If I were Tressel, I'd put in quite a few direct snap plays to my best athlete. LSU has shown, this yr, to have lots of trouble with mobile QB. OSU will not be able to simply line up and pound Beanie a...
  2. Just Curious: What's your honest opinion of LSU?

    Steve Spurrier Urban Meyer 2x Nick Saban Phil Fulmer Larry Corker Bob Stoops 2x I don't think Miles will be intimidated by Tressel. Miles has already beaten a few coaches who have won a NC.
  3. Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

    Not too concerned, I would be way more worried if we played ya'll last year. The only type of team that has given LSU trouble this yr, is one with a mobile QB. I honestly think WV could probably take us. OSU basically has a pretty vanilla offense which will challenge our front 4. I like our...
  4. Scarlet or White Jersey's on Jan. 7th.

    Amazing, 6 pages on what color ya'll should wear. :roll2: