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  1. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    Wow always thought they were saying Snoopy, thanks for clearing that up for me
  2. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    You are gonna have to explain this one to me please, sloopy?
  3. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    I heard the Snoopy song like 100 times tonight
  4. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    Just got back from Bourbon street, it is in walking distance from my dorm in downtown New Orleans, I saw the Ohio State 18-wheeler parked out in front of the superdome unloading equipment or something, anyway the French Quarter is a sea of red and gray at this point. There are Ohio State fans...
  5. Visiting LSU fans: please read

    Alright dropping by to say hey and good luck to the Buckeyes. Tigerdroppings is out of control, I will not be going back there, anyway I live a couple blocks from the Superdome and I cannot wait for the game, it should be a great one. I am also ready to party with a bunch of Ohio State...