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Search results

  1. I wanna turn it around: congrats to tOSU fans...

    MEMO: to tOSU Fan... I spent four days in NOLA getting ready for the game, partying, eating, touring, and ran into some really classy people from Ohio. You're first class people and I hope you were treated to first class hospitality. Every time one of our jackass fans tried to rile you, you...
  2. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    Party begins sometime on Dec 31 in the quarter....
  3. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    I'm not trying to underestimate anything...like I said in my other post, it's basic math. Over half the tickets are already in LSU's hands, I doubt they 'all of a sudden half a sense of selling them to make a couple of bucks'... Not trying to flame....its just the way it is....its probably not...
  4. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    The game will be more LSU populas than OSU but its not b/c of fanbase or lack thereof...just basic math. Saints season ticket holder first, corporate sponsors next (all in LA). I doubt OSU has more than 30k in the dome...maybe 35k but no more than that.
  5. Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

    We lost another 1st round draft pick (more than likely) at the Va Tech game, torn ACL (Charles Alexander), and when AU cheapshotted Dorsey, we couldn't put pressure up the middle. The basis of our whole D, any D for that matter. Suprisingly, Pellini is not blitz happy, but we do get Ricky Jean...
  6. Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

    The State Police will have security in the quarter this year. They are pretty lax too, will pretty much much let you get naked....but cross the line....not in jail, under it. But I guarantee, OSU fans will not be the ones getting in trouble, it will be our own. The imbeciles from the sticks...
  7. LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

    My favorite is a lunch at Mother's. On Canal down by the river.