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Search results

  1. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Same here in unrelenting SEC country. Gonna wear it with pride.
  2. Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

    Different approach People are upset/frustrated/hurt/questioning and often it is easy to lash out in anger and point out what went wrong, but IMO its not the time to do that. It is too raw and fresh, emotions are running hot and heavy right now, and a loss like this hurts. I have no doubt that...
  3. LB Coach James Laurinaitis (2x B1G DPOY, 2006 Nagurski, 2007 Butkus, 2008 Lott, 3x All-American, OSU HOF)

    :gobucks2: tyvm JL...... awesome awesome awesome news waiting 'til August = worse than Xmas as a kid :gobucks1:
  4. Congrats LSU!!

    Congrats to LSU and their fans. The Tigers were well prepared, made few mistakes and played a smart game, which is a recipe how to win a big game. Congratulations.
  5. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    :gobucks2: I will be down there somewhere watching as well. I'm sure there will be no shortage of us in the Quarter. It would be nice to designate a bar ahead of time to watch it at though, at least for the BP crowd.
  6. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    I am going to NOLA, but do not have tickets... My wife and I are planning on watching it somewhere, wherever we end up @ game time. I'd defiantly come to any tailgate, just tell me what you need us to bring and we will try to bring it.
  7. Official "Going to the Game" Thread

    <--- going to NOLA without a ticket, and after looking at the prices online ($1350 for one ticket in the nose bleed sections to $210,000 for a suite....... can't afford it right now :( ), We will more than likely be watching from some Bourbon Street bar or maybe we will get adopted by some...
  8. Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

    See you in September SC. :)
  9. Good Luck Wishes (Merged)

    <--- Ohio transplant stuck in Tuscaloosa :cry: We defiantly are on the radar in Tuscaloosa after last years NC game... SEC speed, Big 10 sucks, SEC speed, Big 10 sucks, SEC speed, Big 10 sucks, etc, etc, etc... and no, there are not many of us here.... and yes they still seem pissed that...
  10. Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hello. I wanted to introduce myself to BP. I am an Ohio transplant to Alabama but have been, and always will be a Buckeye fan. SEC country hasn't been the most enjoyable place to be for a Buckeye fan, but win or lose I still support the teams. After last years National Championship game I...
  11. Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

    Thank you very much (to all who contributed) for the compiled information. I feel your pain of living in SEC country. :smash: This information will help tremendously, again thank you. Go Buckeyes!