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  1. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    Oden will be attacked by Ramar Smith, actually. He'll drive a ton and get nailed a ton.
  2. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    Where do I get one of these?
  3. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    IIRC, during the Big 10 Title Game, 90% of the time you all ran zone, it was 2-3. Is that right?
  4. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    Of course there are different variables, but in the broad sense of the zone, THAT IS the biggest weakness. Better teams than the 2007 Buckeyes have lost like this.
  5. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    Holy crap - excellent post. I'm a huge stat geek and KenPom follower. I get a lot of crap on Vol Nation for my stat stuff, but oh well. Pace is important, as you mentioned. 2 of tOSU's 3 losses were when the pace was over 70, while the 3rd loss was a pace of 68. Tennessee is 19-6 when the...
  6. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    The biggest weakness of a zone defense is that is allows easier 3 point shooting. Thus, with UT being one of the best 3 point shooting teams around, it could be a bad move. We shot terribly against you the first time around and you played man to man.
  7. Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

    I'm still learning about the detailed nuances about basketball, but I feel like he 2-3 zone I saw against Wisconsin in the Big 10 title game really helps Tennessee in this match up. Wayne Chism and Ryan Childress are both 6-9 post players who have great stroke from the perimeter (for their...