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  1. Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

    What a game I'm completely satisfied with the players effort in this game, they left it out there on the field and should be proud of that. They held a great team in check the entire game. Hats off to a stellar Texas team; it wasn't a case of them being off, it was a case of our defense being...
  2. QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

    That's what I mean, he was a "good passer" previous to his final season. He came in that last year looking like a pro-style QB. His accuracy was much sharper during his last compared to the season before that. I'm as big a fan of TS as anyone, I'm just saying there was a noticeable difference...
  3. QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

    I would agree. TS was a fantastic runner and a pretty good passer during his Jr year. That next offseason is when he really grew into a fantastic passer, you could really see the growth. I hope that happens for TB as well.
  4. 2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

    Didn't see that yet... my apologies. Glad to hear that.
  5. 2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

    This is my first post on this board, which I thoroughly enjoy reading, but I think the ceiling is pretty low for Boeckman. I'm no guru but I just don't see Boeckman progressing. He throws off his back leg too much, doesn't throw the ball away when he needs to, won't step up into the pocket...