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  1. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    re: i am not saying that UT fans will overrun the place just that there will be alot of UT fans there, probably more than you expect. but then again if you guys normally have about 10,000 visiting fans at your stadium then maybe not more than you expect. and i realize that the rest of the...
  2. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    How many Texas fans do you expect at Ohio Stadium? we have 5,000 tickets allotted to us but as you know a ton of tickets have been sold on ebay and other ticket brokers. i bought 2 yesterday and i personally know at least 10 people who already have tickets in hand as well as well as many more...
  3. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    re: If memory serves, didn't David Boston talk similar stuff about Woodson referring to how he used to play against a former OSU DB. That said, the UT WR corps was very deep. We had Roy Williams, BJ Johnson and Sloan Thomas. Roy Williams was a 1st round pick (top 10); Sloan was drafted and...