Meanwhile, in G-ville the lizards are imploding. Bunch of guys want to quit. An Urb versus Boom schism possibly. Tthe 2009 team got lost, and we never got em back. Many Gators blame Urban for trying to slide Adazzio in as corch during his troubles. I meant it what I said failing is not lying. Urban said he was coming back with focus and delegating. He never got it done. What folks won't get is that Urban does bear responsibility for some of our mess, albeit Boom went pro style, etc. Urb was HC in 09-10 when the team began falling apart. While I agree with that, it is Boom's team and he has had a year. If he cannot get it fixed, then you need to look at the guy who can't get it done, not the guy who was a part of the problem. ESPECIALLY when he got you 2 crystal trophies and updated football facilities.
Telling you here instead of a thread so that it does not look like dumping on Urb. He can eat a bag of dicks for stealing our director of football operations however.