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  • He might be. Is it this guy?
    ihatesnsd (2 hours ago) Show Hide
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    omg i love wondergirls and whoever dont like the wondergirls are just stupid people that doesnt have class in music

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    gzotxd (6 hours ago) Show Hide
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    You dream of something interesting and unusual


    come and get it

    rdaicx (8 hours ago) Show Hide
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    U c0uld not even imag1ne how many interest1ng th1ngs you can catch just f1ve m1nutes...

    jungleme (10 hours ago) Show Hide
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    I don't like bad behaviour. Human, animal, it's all the same, I don't like bad behaviour. If an animal is acting bad, it deserves the same punch in the taint as a human would. Right in the taint. Of course, that can be difficult to do. Rats, for example, are small.
    When I was in India back when I was 9, I was walking through the local market carrying a package of tofu wrapped up in white paper. A fucking EAGLE or some predator fucking bird swooped down, smacked me in the head with his wing, and clawed up the white package. Guess they were used to seeing packaged meat. He lost hold of the package so we ended up taking home a mangled brick of tofu. We used it to make scrambled tofu and our hotel room was 2nd floor surrounded by tamarisk trees full of fucking screaming monkeys. They kept me up at night. The smell of the frying tofu attracted this big fucking asshole of a monkey. He pried open the screen on the window, reached in a STOLE MY PLATE OF FUCKING TOFU. Fucking monkeys man, bitch ass thieves, that's what they are.
    Buckyle and I will fly to that fucking temple, find that bitch ass monkey, and bitch slap is furry fucking ass into his next reincarnation. Say the word.
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