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  • That's fucking nasty. Chorizo is almost overpowering by itself because they put so much spices in it to take away the taste of the asshole and lymph nodes. If you ever get it again, eat it 1 part chorizo to 3 parts eggs. Cook that shit together, wrap it up in a burrito and eat it with hot sauce. The fucking BOMB!!!
    Chorizo I guess can be called sausage, but I've never seen Mexicans eat it like a sausage. I googled it and I guess some people cook it in the sausage form and then slice it and eat it - but I've never seen that done. Chorizo is usually sold in packages like you buy ground beef. Then you cook it like ground beef and add eggs and make a chorizo burrito. So instead of a steak and egg burrito - it's a chorizo and egg burrito. I've grown up with Mexicans since I was 4 years old and never seen it eaten any other way. I think the Spanish and Portugese mother fuckers eat it like a sausage - NASTY!!! Shit is made from lips and assholes and shit. I wouldn't eat that by itself.
    Correct - I called a Mexican food place the other day and asked if they sell cheese crisps and she said yeah we sell quesadillas. I said "no," cheese crisps! She asked me what the difference was. FYI - the lady was Mexican and ran a Mexican food place. That just goes to show you not all Mexicans know what the fuck they are doing.
    Next time you're in town, check this place out:
    from: newark, oh to: 5251 N. Hamilton Road, Columbus, OH 43230 (Baja Sol Fresh Mex Grill) - Google Maps
    Great post, I agree.

    I was there the other night, it's like a fuckin ghost town. What we really need is Saw31 to come back and revive that shit like frankenstein
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