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  • 3 12's

    The man been keepin' me down at my new job... My brain is mush by the time I get home at night (usually not even in time for dinner). And all my spare time - what little is left - goes to beating on the wife 'n kids! :wink:
    Cherry picker! I'm sure tOSU didn't have one missed holding call all game.

    Also, the last second catch by that scrub receiver on the Steelers this year in the Super Bowl wasn't a catch either.
    Oh yeah, that would be right up my alley.

    I was at a bar on High Street. They were playing jazz. I was bombed so I have no idea what the place was called. I asked the bartender what if she had a shot recommendation. She said yeah and brought us four. It was really good...tasted kinda sweet but had a nic kick. I asked her what she called it...she tells me "Wet Pussy" My buddies fell out laughing. :slappy:
    That good, huh? :lol:

    If I spend a lot of time at a bar I always ask the bartender if they have a specialty shot. Last time I was in Nantucket this guy served us up something he hadn't named yet. Had a watermelon flavor but it was strong. I'll probably never see that fucker again to ask him what it was. :lol:
    You can bet your ass I'll be drinking, too. Probably straight through the weekend until Monday around 6:00 p.m.

    I was at the Natoma last week and I kept my eye out for a bitter, drunken, broken-down superhero. I thought I saw one dressed like a clown but it was just an 80 year old woman with way too much blue makeup.
    I'm a happy drunk. My brother is too...on anything but Tanqueray. :lol:

    I'm not a big tonic fan but I may try it. My sister owes me a bottle of Goose after today. I am going to try that 1800 Silver for the 3-12's.
    My normal brother is a big TNT fan. Kinda tastes like pine needles smells if you ask me. :lol: He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet...until you get him on Tanqueray.

    Gin and juice is an idea. I always tell myself I'm going to get something different and always end up walking out with Goose. I wish I could mix up a vat of that Jinx. Or those 3-12's. You try that yet?
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