Yea, it looks like Beverage Source is the best bet in your immediate area, and any good beer store will generally order beer for you. If they can get Great Lakes stuff, they can get the Nosferatu. Now, if you're willing to drive into C-Bus (I drive to other states to buy beer), I can pretty much guarantee you'll find it in at least one of a handful of places. When I'm in C-Bus I often hit up Andy's Carry Out on North High, near the Blue Dube ($1.25 PBR 16 oz drafts at the Dube, BTW), because one of my good friends lives right across the street. This is the place he usually pimps as having one of the best selections near campus: Columbus & Central Ohio: Palmers Beverage Center. I've never been to this place, but I do know it gets talked up as having a good selection as well.
As far as porters go, you might try a smoked porter before you give up on the style all together. They literally expose the wet barley to the smoke from burning wood before using it in the brewing process, and the effect is, quite literally, a smoked flavor. Sounds weird, but this is part of the reason that smoked meats and BBQ taste so fucking good. You may still hate them, but they are pretty different than the straight bitter coffee flavors you'll otherwise get from porters.
I prefer stout, but you're probably not going to go for most stouts if you don't like coffee. The Southern Tier Choklat is something you may really like though. It's actually very sweet, like milk chocolate. You might try getting into brown ales before moving on to stouts and porters though. It would be a good stepping stone and Bell's Best Brown Ale and the Brooklyn Brown Ale are two of the best in the country, IMO.
I haven't had Commodore Perry before, but Burning River is good. It's a pale ale (like Sierra Nevada's green labelled beer), so it will be hoppy, but not as hoppy as an IPA or double IPA. In general, Great Lakes is the shit.