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AKAK's latest activity

  • AKAK
  • AKAK
    I think that Champ run they went on was cashing in their souls (Auburn, Purdue, Texas Tech games). Back to basketball hell where they...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to JCOSU86's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Scary as Jake was my age. :getout: RIP, Buckeye Brother
  • AKAK
    AKAK replied to the thread Shohei Ohtani (Official Thread).
    I just read a very short article in passing and I was like, well, that interpreter is already on a plane to Okinawa ready to go native...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to DubCoffman62's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Jake always reminded me of one of those guys that I met working remote Alaska. I could just imagine him there in the day room playing...
  • AKAK
    AKAK replied to the thread Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024.
    The free market is undefeated.
  • AKAK
    AKAK replied to the thread Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024.
    I really feel like you should go out to the drag strip. "I was there in 2024, watching from the Big Daddy Don Garlits Grandstand... "...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to ExpatAkronite's post in the thread Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 with Like Like.
    Wife and extended family have been planning this for almost 4 years (major eclipse chasers). Have a house reserved in Mazatlan. Kid and...
  • AKAK
    We should probably let Bob Nutting know that the TV ratings are about to crater.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to brodybuck21's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Not much more to add other than thanks for being such a huge piece of the BP world for so long. Hope you're out there kicking it with...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to BuckeyeFromHecK's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Been around almost as long as the rest of y’all and this one hits home. RIP @Jake. I hope le regiment and buckeye battlecry are on...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Mike80's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Man.... I had a feeling - well more than a feeling, an instinct - that something had happened. He and I had our differences but Jake...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to NFBuck's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Ah, damn. I kind of feared that's what happened given some of his quasi-cryptic posts and sudden disappearance, but I was hoping he just...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Bestbuck36's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    I've been holding back posting hoping he'd pop back on here and everything would be fine. I dont know how many times we got totally...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Fungo Squiggly's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    He never really seemed to be quite the same after his long-time best friend died a couple years ago. I saw that now-deleted post when it...