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AKAK's latest activity

  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to ExpatAkronite's post in the thread BP's MIA with Like Like.
    Also had some great interactions with Kinch. Hell, he even got a really esoteric James Joyce reference! No idea he was that young...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to colobuck79's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Shit. You feel like you get to know the members here, and to some great extent we do become friends. 61 is too young. So sorry to hear this.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to ORD_Buckeye's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    RIP. You'll be missed.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to dozenmonkeyz's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Hate to hear this, and would be thrilled if turned to not be the case. Good vibes to his loved ones!
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Tomateaux Quinoa Gumbeaux's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    RIP if true. Hope it's not though.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Steve19's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    If he is truly gone, and it would seem so, he will truly be missed here. God bless and go well, Jake.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to 3074326's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    RIP buddy. One of the best posters on BP. Damn.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Buckeneye's post in the thread BP's MIA with Like Like.
    Lots of good interactions with Kinch. Same same for Jake. Our Buckeye brothers we've lost that we just wanted to watch one more...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to buckeyebri's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    Ah man, another taken too young. It hurts to see someone your own age head off and makes you think about your own mortality. I always...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to heisman's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    RIP @Jake . Thank you for making us part of your life, and being part of ours.
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to Buckeyeskickbuttocks's post in the thread Jake with Like Like.
    This. @Jake I hope our speculation is wrong, but I hope you rest in peace.
  • AKAK
    AKAK posted the thread Jake in Open Discussion (Work-safe).
    Hi Everybody, Probably the worst person to perform this task, so I'm just going to get into it. As you may or may not have noticed...
  • AKAK
    AKAK replied to the thread Bicycle Hate.
    The E in ICE stands for engine. Run out to your garage, don't trip on the cord and tell me what comes after "Dual" on the back of your...
  • AKAK
    AKAK replied to the thread Bicycle Hate.
    Well technically mopeds should be ebikes since they have engines and no one actually pedals them, and ebikes should be mopeds since they...
  • AKAK
    AKAK reacted to BuckeyeSoldier's post in the thread BP's MIA with Like Like.
    I had an in person friendship with him for about a year that started here. We became close enough that he was at my house once or twice...