I spent two or three weeks in Omaha working when I was a young buck. I actually liked it a lot. One of my favorite "big" cities I've visited. Actually reminded me a lot of Columbus, except Omaha had hills.

I ate at this place called "New York Burrito" every fuckin' day. The food was decent, but the owner talked shit about CFB, so I loved the place. Also, I've only been to two cities that in my imo, took CFB as seriously as Columbus. One was Knoxville, and the other was Omaha. I was impressed that though Nebraska wasn't located in Omaha, a new housing addition had used white gravel instead of grass for the devil's strip (the strip of *usually* grass between the sidewalk and street), and every twenty feet or so there was a red gravel "N". I thought that was fuckin' awesome.