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tBBC You (Should) Know Who To Root For.. Not TTUN


You (Should) Know Who To Root For.. Not TTUN
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Today, we welcome a guest post provided by Michael Smith. It’s an instruction manual of sorts, so pay attention… Michael, take it away!
The Top 3 Reasons Why Rooting for Michigan to be Good is a Bad Idea
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard an Ohio St fan say “I only want Michigan to lose 1 game a year” or “Michigan being good makes the rivalry better” What?? Why do so many Ohio St fans want their most hated rival to be good? I have never understood this. I can’t tell you how much I disagree with wanting Michigan to be good. I’m here to convince you, the Ohio State fan wanting Michigan to be good, how wrong you are. I have 3 reasons why.
3. Recruiting
Answer me this question. How many 5 star high school players have you seen commit to a school who goes 5-7 every year? I’m thinking not a lot. Don’t get me wrong, no matter what Michigan’s record is they are going to get some good recruits. Their history and program just draws them in. However, If Michigan was say, 12-1 every year, how many more 5 star recruits would they get? A lot more. Do you really want Ohio State to start losing recruits to Michigan because suddenly they’re good again? I sure don’t. Ohio State has dominated Michigan in recruiting for going on 12 years now. And help me out here, what’s been the record between Michigan and Ohio State in that same time frame? That is not a coincidence people. Its very simple, Michigan “good” means more good recruits for them, less for Ohio State. No one wants that!
2. Head to Head
Does anyone Ohio State fan have a problem with beating Michigan? I didn’t think so. Now tell me this, would you rather beat them 24-21 or 49-7? Now, I know some will say, “Hey a win over Michigan is never a bad thing” Yes that’s true but when you win 24-21 can’t Michigan and their fans then go “Well just the one play here or just that one call goes this way, we win, so you’re not really better!” Now, if Ohio State wins 49-7, what can Michigan fans say but “Ohio State is our daddy”. I love that more than the 1st reaction. Can Ohio State beat a good Michigan team 49-7 sure, but tell me how often will it happen? I’ve had Ohio State fans say how the 2006 game gave them so much satisfaction. Really? I was laying on the floor mumbling to the cat. What about 2008? Now that’s a Ohio State/Michigan I can enjoy! Another thing, if Michigan is 12-1 their fans and team can still say how great they are and how wonderful they are. I don’t want that. I don’t want happy Michigan fans. Yuck! How many Michigan fans have you seen talk trash the last 15 years? OK, now how many have you talk trash since 3 hours ago? See what I mean. A 3-9 Michigan team means no Michigan fans being happy, no Michigan is great, etc. I like none of that.
1. They don’t want us to be good
That’s right, Michigan fans don’t root or want Ohio State to be good, why should we want them to be good? They could care less if we are 12-0 or 1-11. In fact, they want us to be 1-11. I’ve been on Michigan message boards and in Michigan chat rooms. They hate us. They want us to lose, all the time, every game. I visited a Michigan message board after Ohio State had beat Alabama in the playoff this past year. Every single one of them were rooting for Alabama. They were cheering Bama on and loving it when Ohio St was down. They want us to lose, they want us to be down, they want to beat us 49-7 every single year. So why don’t we want the same for them? The whole point of a big time rivalry is to dominate your rival. What’s your definition of domination? For that team to be going 12-1 and only losing to you by 3 points every year or for you to be crushing that team in every single phase of college football. Crushing them in recruiting, having the national spot light on you, winning championships, and beating them, not by 3, but by 30 every year. I know which version I’d pick.
So, there you have it. Which side of the Divide are you?

The post You (Should) Know Who To Root For.. Not TTUN appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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