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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Through 4 games this season, Pryor has passed for over 200 yds every game.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't he only have 3 games over 200 yds in his whole career before this season? I ran through box scores pretty quickly I'm pretty sure that's right (ORE '09, MINN '09, Toledo '09).

If so that's pretty awesome. Although he has a ways to go, his work has certainly shown. Great game today and credit to Pryor and the coaching staff for the hard work. :oh:
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k2onprimetime;1780095; said:
Pryor could be 30-30 passing with 500 yards and 7 TD's, throwing and Marc May would say "It's against EM, so its not impressive"
At this point does it really matter what Mark "GAY" has to say? I don't think this man could be impartial at all! He thinks he knows all and that no matter what the truth is what he says is the right! He will sound like an ass when TP gets the Heisman and the BUCKS win in Glendale!:osu::osu2::osu3::oh:
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Just in case anyone cares, on college football final May seemed to have changed his tune a bit regarding TP, saying that he "loves it when Terrelle pulls it down and runs and that no one can catch him". Maybe the network is telling him to lay off. I dunno.
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Snappy_Jay;1780422; said:
Terrelle's most important stat for career is 2 rec 25 yds and 2 TD's with NO DROPS!!! I knew he shoulda been a WR!! LOL Just sayin!! :-)

Maybe Tress needs to tell all of the receivers to just keep on going down the tunnel if they drop the pass? :)
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1926Buckeyes;1780085; said:
Through 4 games this season, Pryor has passed for over 200 yds every game.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't he only have 3 games over 200 yds in his whole career before this season? I ran through box scores pretty quickly I'm pretty sure that's right (ORE '09, MINN '09, Toledo '09).

If so that's pretty awesome. Although he has a ways to go, his work has certainly shown. Great game today and credit to Pryor and the coaching staff for the hard work. :oh:

TP 200 yd passing games:

Penn State
...and counting

  • Before this year, his only consecutive 200+ games were Purdue and Minne last year.
  • In his first five 200+ games, he threw 7 interceptions.
  • In the four from this year, he's thrown 2.
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The things that the kid is doing on the field is nothing short of remarkable, the effortlessness with which he shatters Ohio State records is ridiculous. And yet, I still feel as though he is underappreciated by the fanbase as a whole. The improvement this season clearly shows how much work he puts in.

I tend to think that we have a really good thing with this kid, and we won't know what we had until he moves on at some point in the future.
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On Saturday, TP's Passing Efficiency was 200.062, marking the 3rd time in his career that he has eclipsed the 200 mark. His other games with PE > 200 were both in 2008 (Troy and Northwestern).

His effort against EMU was the first 200+ PE day with over 16 passing attempts (26). It was also his first 200+ PE day with over 200 yards passing (224). It was also his first 200+ PE day with over 66 yards rushing (104).

He is now at 167.174 for the year.

In 2006, Troy's PE was 161.906

Terrelle already has more rushing yards than Troy had in his Senior year.
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College football is all about cycles. It just so happens this 2008 class and TP are showing who they are. Opponents will have to prepare for one of the most potent offenses that Ohio State has ever had for the next two years. Can't wait to see what this team looks like at the end of the year. Look out.
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