Please read posts carefully before you start mouthing off about them -- even if you have to read them two or three times.
1. No one suggested here that Teddy Ginn was the answer to the "grand mystery to solving our offensive struggles". This is a thread about Ginn and how best to use him. My comments were directed to that issue -- not to the entire offensive gameplan.
2. No one suggested that Ginn go deep on every play, so that "when a D1 CB knows that is all he is going to run ... It's covered." I specifically suggested we throw long to Ginn twice per offensive possession. That would force a much looser coverage scheme overall, which would help both the running attack and our other very talented receivers.
3. No one suggested that CBs would have to "start on the offensive side of the line of scrimmage then TG would most likely beat the corner downfield nearly everytime.... but but wait?!?!? The other CB's have brains???" Luey, six question marks and two exclamation points. Very powerful writing! What I suggested was that Ginn run directly at the CB covering him and then blow by him. If you believe that's easy for Big Ten corners to cover, you and I have an honest difference of opinion. But you can't really believe that tOSU offense has posed a deep ball threat to defenses, can you? Our yards per pass attempt stats are among the lowest in Division 1. Adding a consistent deep threat, employing an Olympic-class sprinter, wouldn't actually hurt our offense, do you think?
4. "Have you watched a game this year???" Three question marks, Luey. You du-u-u-u-de!!! Yes, I have watched a game or two. I went to my first OSU game with my Dad 50 years ago, have attended a couple of hundred games in the Shoe, and have watched nearly every away game on satellite for the past decade or so.
So Luey, argue with me, even flame me, all you want, but at least argue with what I actually write. That will require some careful reading skills, perhaps at a higher grade level than you have attained. But give it a try. You might find that rational thinking will actually get you further in life than the ranting hissy-fits you've shown us here.
Have a nice day, dude.