If you were to take Ted Ginn's best time in a national track and fiels event, which is a toss up between his 2004 4X100 split time at the Penn relays or his 4X100 split time form the Addidas Outdoor Nationals of the same year, his time was 10.28 seconds. Now if you were to convert the metric scale to US feet that equates to he covers, at full speed .02773 feet per second. Now if you take into account since 1992 the best sprinters in the world on average spend 30% of their time in the first 30 meters, Ted Ginn could possibly run 40 yards from a stand still in no less than 4.32386 seconds timed electronically(please give or take, if you like, .009786 seconds for any rounding errors I may have encountered during my meter to foot calculations. So if you want to say how much faster he is now compared to then because of the staff at tOSU that is fine, just consider Justin Gatlin in the most recent World Champioships where he swept the 100 and 200 meter sprints, against the best in the world and doing the same calculations he barely breaks 4 seconds and his 100 time is .76 seconds faster in the 100 the Ginn. Now for those of you thatthink people cant't run 40 yds in under 4 seconds, you probably are close to being wrong. I just don't think they are playing football.