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Woman Sues Over Spankings At Work
Company Claims They Spanked Both Sexes Equally
POSTED: 1:20 pm EDT April 25, 2006
FRESNO, Calif. -- A former saleswoman for a Fresno alarm company said she was humiliated when her supervisors spanked her with a competitor's yard sign while co-workers watched and jeered.
Janet Orlando, 53, is suing Alarm One Inc. in Fresno Superior Court.
Lawyers for the company said the spankings were done in fun, and that both male and female employees were spanked.
Alarm One's lawyers said Orlando voluntarily quit after five months of employment, The Modesto Bee reported. The paper reported that lawyers also said the woman was a willing participant in the spankings and that the company did not intend to hurt any of the spanked employees. The company reportedly wanted to spank employees to "build camaraderie among the sales force."
The employees at the company reportedly work on commission and are required to attend daily sales training meetings, at which they were spanked for talking out of turn or arriving late, the paper reported
"The spankings also were used to increase productivity from its work force," Orlando’s lawyer told the paper. The paper reported that during the spankings, the workers yelled lewd comments and hooted. Some of the comments reportedly were "bend over, baby" and "you've been a bad girl," according to court documents.
Former Alarm One supervisor Nina Correia testified that she trained Orlando and that Orlando never complained about being spanked -- also saying that Orlando had fun at the meetings and participated in yelling foul language when people got spanked, the paper reported. "She was willing, ready and excited about being there," Correia testified.
The case that is expected to wrap up Tuesday.