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Google Wisconsin women's hockey: Badgers rout Ohio State 8-0, sweep Buckeyes - Bucky's 5th Quarter

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Wisconsin women's hockey: Badgers rout Ohio State 8-0, sweep Buckeyes - Bucky's 5th Quarter
via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".

Wisconsin women's hockey: Badgers rout Ohio State 8-0, sweep Buckeyes
Bucky's 5th Quarter
In the Badgers' last eight games verse the Buckeyes, they've out-scored them 37-5. The Badgers dominated puck possession and peppered the Ohio State net, forcing them to pull starting goalie Alex Lamere after four goals, giving redshirt freshman Selena ...
Home sweet home: No. 3 Badgers blank Buckeyes, 7-0University of Wisconsin Badgers
No. 3 Badgers shutout Buckeyes in home openerWKOW
Wisconsin welcomes Ohio State to LaBahn for home openerMadison.com

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