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LGHL Why is this news?: Cardale Jones needs confidence, Joey Bosa isn't the only intimidating...

Harry Lyles Jr.

Why is this news?: Cardale Jones needs confidence, Joey Bosa isn't the only intimidating Buckeye pass-rusher
Harry Lyles Jr.
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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"Composure is admirable. What [Cardale] Jones needs most is confidence. You weren't sure about that confidence Saturday after J.T. Barrett replaced Jones in the second quarter."

- Doug Lesmerises, Northeast Ohio Media Group

Doug Lesmerises opens up here talking about the frustration that Cardale Jones expressed after he was taken out of the game against Hawaii this past Saturday. Jones threw his glove into the bench while upset, and it wasn't the performance that we were expecting out of him in his first start at the 'Shoe. Lesmerises says that Jones needs confidence, and perhaps that's what it in fact, is.

Cardale Jones expresses many emotions, and is quite the character on and off the field. We love that about Cardale. It's just going to take time, and that's fine. Looking ahead, as long as he gets it by the Michigan State game, the Buckeyes are in wonderful shape. But it is definitely tough when you are trying to do your job, and somebody (J.T. Barrett) is always looking over your shoulder. Knowing you might get the hook after two quarters because you struggle for a bit isn't the way to really build that confidence.

"I had a stomachache pretty much the whole time watching the game," [Joey] Bosa said. "I cooked a nice dinner and didn't eat one bite of it. It was rough."

- Joey Bosa, via James Grega, Buckeye Sports

Joey Bosa is back. On paper, Bosa's stats did not reflect what his return meant for the Buckeyes defense this past Saturday, but it was definitely felt. While he didn't stuff the stat sheet like he has in the past (and against tougher competition), Bosa occupied enough attention from the Rainbow Warriors offense that it opened up things for the rest of the Buckeye defense.

The likes of Adolphus Washington, Sam Hubbard, Darron Lee, and Joshua Perry were all able to get great pressure on Max Wittek of Hawaii this past Saturday because of the attention that Bosa received. The pressure that these guys applied helped Gareon Conley and Vonn Bell grab interceptions that were huge in a game where the offense was not clicking. While Hawaii is certainly no Virginia Tech, the Buckeye defense looked extremely sharp Saturday, and the return of Joey Bosa had a lot to do with that.

"The Buckeyes have arguably the best defensive end in the nation back in the fold now, and based on the early returns from the fresh faces up front, [Joey] Bosa might not be the only devastating pass-rusher on the roster."

- Austin Ward, ESPN.com

Everybody outside of the Ohio State family knows about Joey Bosa. But there are some other guys on the defense who don't garner as much attention as the arguable top prospect in the upcoming NFL Draft, and of course you would expect that with a talent such as Bosa. Some of those names include Sam Hubbard, Tyquan Lewis, and Jalyn Holmes.

The three aforementioned Buckeyes all have picked up sacks this season. By no means are any of them going to replace Bosa, but their production has been extremely welcome, and made his one game absence not nearly as bad as initially speculated. In a program such as Ohio State, talent waiting to be displayed isn't a rarity, but it does seem that at any given position, the Buckeyes have another player just as capable of producing as the man in front of him, which should be a promising thought for Buckeye fans across the country. Expect sustained success on the defensive side of the ball for at least a few more seasons.

"After Michigan State's 31-28 victory over Oregon on Saturday, a popular sentiment has emerged: the Big Ten could actually claim two of the four spots in this year's College Football Playoff."

- Brian Bennett, ESPN.com

Here is a thought that would drive many in the country insane: two Big Ten schools in the College Football Playoff. Ohio State and Michigan State are the clear two choices in such a circumstance, and rightfully so. That thought can certainly become a reality, and ESPN.com's Brian Bennett digs into the possibility, and what would need to occur for such things to happen.

The first is clearly Ohio State running the table, and Michigan State taking a close loss in Columbus and finishing with that as their only one. Oregon would have to win the Pac-12, which would make it difficult for the committee to select Oregon over Michigan State, considering their loss to the Spartans. Bennett also lists Notre Dame being out of the picture (which, they could take a loss this weekend to Georgia Tech), and a weak conference champion from either the ACC, Big 12, or SEC. Could all of these things realistically happen? Sure. Is it likely? Perhaps not. College football is one of the crazier roller coasters in sports, and while things can seem clear early on in the season, there is more than enough room for error in a season.


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