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LGHL Why is this news?: Braxton Miller hopes to make another big play at Penn State

Harry Lyles Jr.

Why is this news?: Braxton Miller hopes to make another big play at Penn State
Harry Lyles Jr.
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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"There are plenty of plays to chose from, but [Braxton] Miller will tell you that his 1-yard plunge in Ohio State's win over the Nittany Lions is his favorite play of his career."

- Bill Landis, Northeast Ohio Media Group

The Buckeyes will welcome Penn State into Ohio Stadium this weekend. Braxton Miller had perhaps the best play of his career against the Nittany Lions, with his famous stutter step touchdown dive, discussed in great detail above. While the spin move against Virginia Tech was amazing, and made you rewind your television, the one against Penn State simply seemed like it just wasn't going to happen.

Miller said that the play was broken, that it was supposed to go to Carlos Hyde. Miller saw a Penn State defender come off the line that would stuff Hyde, so Miller kept it, hit another defender with a mean juke, and capped off the play with an amazing leap into the end zone. The play would give Ohio State a 21-10 lead late in the third quarter. As Landis says in the piece, Miller might be able to reenact that play, it would just be in a different manner at a different position.

"Smith and Meyer had discussions more than a year ago about Ohio State tradition, about how far they wanted to take it with the Buckeyes' latest alternate uniforms."

- Ari Wasserman, Northeast Ohio Media Group

The discussion surround black uniforms and Ohio State football have been rampant for months, and it finally all came to a head when the school officially announced that they would wear them against Penn State. With the deep and rich tradition of Ohio State football, any change to the sacred uniforms is bad in the minds of many. Others, on the other hand, love the subtle change that doesn't truly add any new color to the uniform. Sure, there's not a lot, but there is black in Ohio State's logo, and pants.

Urban Meyer and Gene Smith had discussions long before the jerseys were a certainty, and Meyer initially said no because of the school's tradition. But after much deliberation, they decided for the uniforms, and as Wasserman says, the only tradition that is not negotiable, is winning, and that's something any and all Buckeye fans can agree with, pro-black uniform or not. The uniforms aren't just around for show, it helps draw in recruits. How big of an impact it makes is another conversation, but it is clear that uniforms and their flair catch the eyes of teenagers being recruited to major college football. Just ask Oregon.

"How many tackles should I make? Any tackle in the area or near a guy, I think I should make that tackle. I think I shouldn't miss any tackles. I think that's a better answer. I don't think I should miss any."

- Raekwon McMillan, via Doug Lesmerises, Northeast Ohio Media Group

Raekwon McMillan is the guy that you want on your football team on any given Saturday. McMillan thinks on any play, he should make any and every tackle that he feels he is capable of making. Anything else is a failure. So far this season, McMillan is first in the Big Ten in tackles, and fifth overall in the nation. It's comforting knowing there is a guy on the Buckeye defense that still has a hunger like that, even though he couldn't perform much better, based on the rest of the players in the country and their stats.

Per Lesmerises, he is on pace for the most tackles in a season at Ohio State since Chris Spielman, who had 156 of them in 1987. McMillan had 14 tackles against Indiana two weeks ago, and probably would have had more if he didn't suffer a migraine thanks to cannons that went off in Memorial Stadium that weekend. McMillan has been one of the best pieces this season on an Ohio State defense stacked with playmakers, which helps McMillan, because there isn't really anywhere else for opposing offenses to go.

"In the box designated for key areas of improvement or growth, [Gene] Smith wrote: "We need to improve our competitive success. This past year presented challenges, but the new recruits will certainly help."

- Gene Smith, via Eric Seger, Eleven Warriors

Ohio State basketball has been in great shape ever since Thad Matta took over back in 2004. The Buckeye men's hoops team will be looking for their eighth consecutive tournament appearance this upcoming season. But the past two seasons haven't been the best for the Buckeyes. Eleven Warriors obtained performance review for the basketball team's coaches, and Gene Smith's only true criticism was that the Buckeyes needed to get better, saying, "we need to improve our competitive success." A testament to the two double-digit loss seasons and early tournament exits the Buckeyes have had the past couple of seasons.

An incoming freshman class should help Matta on the "competitive success" front. Matta and his reviews of his assistants, Jeff Boals, Dave Dickerson and Greg Paulus, were well. Dickerson's focus is largely on post-players, where the Buckeyes haven't had quite the success they've seen since the departure of Jared Sullinger. Boals received praise from Matta for his efforts when the Buckeyes switch defensive schemes in the middle of the season, and Paulus received praise for his efforts and work ethic. The Buckeyes appear to have a great staff on hand.


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