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What will the preseason top 5 look like for next year?


I'm guessing:

1) Winner of Rose Bowl
2) Loser of Rose Bowl
3) LSU (if Russell stays)
4) Florida (assuming they just lose and don't get absolutely thrashed in NC)
5) OSU or Texas or OU or maybe Louisville/West Virginia (pollsters won't have learned their lessen yet?)....not sure about #5?

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We'll definitely be ahead of UF if we win. Sure, we lose Troy but they lose Leak. We return a lot, just not a QB or DT.

I honestly don't know what each team has coming back so I can't really rank them but USC, scUM, tOSU, Texas, and maybe a West Virginia or Oklahoma will fill out the top 5.
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OregonBuckeye;681238; said:
We'll definitely be ahead of UF if we win. Sure, we lose Troy but they lose Leak. We return a lot, just not a QB or DT.

I honestly don't know what each team has coming back so I can't really rank them but USC, scUM, tOSU, Texas, and maybe a West Virginia or Oklahoma will fill out the top 5.

No LSU?....are you assuming Russell is gone?...cause we know they're gonna thrash ND right :)
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1. Michigan (Henne/Hart/Long)
2. Louisville (Brohm)
3. Texas (Sweed)
4. Arkansas (Rediscovers the forward pass)
5. Virginia Tech
Just my opinions. I think these are the teams that have the best chance to mature into elite teams next year.
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Kueller;681241; said:
1. Michigan (Henne/Hart/Long)
2. Louisville (Brohm)
3. Texas (Sweed)
4. Arkansas (Rediscovers the forward pass)
5. Virginia Tech
Just my opinions. I think these are the teams that have the best chance to mature into elite teams next year.

Maybe, but in the preseason poll they won't be there save for Texas and scUM. Arkansas loses 3 o-linemen and pleny of other players. This year's team was full of upperclassmen who'll move on.

2006 Arkansas=2005 Penn St.

No LSU?....are you assuming Russell is gone?...cause we know they're gonna thrash ND right

Maybe. I don't know enough about LSU to rank them. But yes, they'll destroy NA.

Obviously Texas, West Virginia, Louisville, UO, could all be in the equation.

Hmm, I like Oregon but I don't think they'll be top 5. :wink:

Oklahoma, which is who I think you meant, is OU.
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1. USC
1a. TSUN (Similar to the Bucks last year - losing a bit of D, but O is largely in tact - I think they have a good shot to win it next year)
3. LSU (Assuming Russel is back)
4. Tennessee (altough they disapoint every year, and 2007 will be no different)
5. OSU (roadies @ Washington, PSU, TSUN & JTs achillies heel Wiscy back on the schedule, although at home, will be tough on a new QB).
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lvbuckeye;681251; said:
well, from all i've heard this week, the opening polls next year should read:

1: Florida
2: LSU
3: Auburn
4: Tennesee
5: Georgia
6: Arkansas
7: South Carolina
8: Alabama
9: Vanderbilt
10: Kentucky
11: Ole Miss
12: Mississippi State
t 13: everyone else.

I agree. Good post. That's what I've been reading too. You may want to throw Florida St. in there too, they are very tough to beat.
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Provided that they beat USC, I think TSUN has the best chance to take it all next year. They have the extra motivation to beat us (i.e. they were "cheated" out of beating us for it all, etc) and they get us at home. We don't have Troy either, so offense will be a bit of a question mark.

Ohio State
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The problem with the preseason polls is that voters try to make them a prediction of how the season will play out, like the preseason magazines do, or simply use the preseason magazines to create their own poll. That means the rankings are heavily based on which teams have the easiest schedules, and they can be self-fulfilling prophecies.

There need to be two types of preseason rankings, one for predictions (to be ignored by the voters), and one based solely on the strength of the teams, which the uneducated poll voters can use to piece together their preseason polls.

Some day, when I am elected CCF (Czar of College Football), that's the way things will be. :biggrin:

My early preseason strength rankings, subject to change:
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Michigan loses this year (SR.), starters only, depth chart from Rivals...
...OT - Rueben Riley
...WR - Steve Breaston
...TE - Tyler Ecker
...C - Mark Bihl
...DE - LaMarr Woodley
...DE - Rondell Biggs
...LB - David Harris
...CB - Leon Hall

Assuming that, Henne, Hart, Long, Branch don't turn pro, their offense will be good again, but will they be able to re-load their defense like we did this year?
However, losing any one of Henne, Hart and to a lesser degree Long could be a gigantic loss for them.
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