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MotS&G What to expect on the first night of college football

Mark Prine

Mark Prine via our friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray

After over eight months of waiting, today is the day that college football finally returns and The first night of the season will not disappoint, as we have three huge games to look forward to.

The season will kick off at 5pm in Charlotte, North Carolina, when the Tar Heels and the Gamecocks of South Carolina take the field for just the third time since 2007. South Carolina won the game in ’07 and the game two years ago by an 11.5 average point margin. The battle for the Carolinas should prove to be another close game but I predict that the ole ball coach Steve Spurrier will leave Bank of America Stadium with a W.

The next game of the night starts at 7:25. Jim Harbaugh will make his debut tonight as the Head Coach of Michigan, against the University of Utah, where the Wolverines are five point underdogs. Who will win this game will come down to whether Michigan’s defense will be able to stop the multifaceted offensive attack of the Utes. Ultimately, Utah will come out on top.

Finally, the biggest game of the evening will begin at 8 o’clock as Texas Christian will travel to TCF Bank Stadium to take on the Minnesota Gophers. TCU is the favorite to win this game, but the Gophers are a tough group and they aren’t playing for a moral victory. They want to win; and to do that, they will have to sustain long drives, ultimately keeping the ball out of the hands of Trevone Boykin and the explosive TCU offense. At the end of the night, Gary Patterson will out coach Jerry Kill and get the win.

We’ve waited and waited for months for this day; and its finally here. As five o’clock rolls around tonight, I want you to relax and watch some great football; You deserve it.


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