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what is your burning software...

Nero for CD's and DVD that I have the VOB files for. If I'm making DVD's with MPEG files I used Sony's DVD Architect (same product family as Vegas Video, the old sonic foundry software)... that way I can design the menus etc for it.
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I had used Nero, but wound up turning a load of blank DVDs into beverage coasters. Nero was good for CDs, but it's giving me fits on DVDs. I switched to Roxio for DVD burning and have now run off about 30 DVD-Rs of TimBuck2's OSU season collection and every single DVD has played flawlessly in my dedicated DVD player.
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Interesting about burning CDs. The copies are often times better sounding than the originals! I burn lots of music because of just this.
The improvement is most noticeable on crappy sounding CDs.
On better sounding CDs, the improvement is less noticeable.
I like the latest version of Nero for this.
I also burn at the slowest speed possible.
Give it a try.:biggrin:
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