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MotS&G Virginia Tech Preview


Andrew via our friends at Men of the Scarlet and Gray

After an eventful offseason, it is finally time for the Buckeyes to take on Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, for a Labor Day showdown.


Ohio State is coming off a championship season. But that doesn’t mean the Hokies don’t pose a threat to the defending national champions. It was just last season when Frank Beamer’s squad came into the ‘Shoe and gave the Buckeyes a surprising 35-21 defeat.

Last season it was clear that the Buckeyes were not ready for Virginia Tech. Whether it was getting matched up with Navy’s triple-option offense the week before or being outmatched from the unique Bear front, the Buckeyes clearly got outplayed. The Buckeyes will more than likely be ready for a unique defensive game-plan from the Hokies.

Quarterback Situation:

No one knows who will be the starting quarterback for the high-powered Buckeye offense. Whether Cardale or JT, the offense should thrive. Although it is likely both QB’s will play, the starter will emerge throughout the game, and it will become clear who will run the offense for the rest of the season within a couple of quarters.

Michael Brewer:

We all remember the magic Virginia Tech quarterback Michael Brewer had in Columbus. Brewer seemed to make the big plays when it mattered most. If he has some of last year’s confidence from Tech’s prior victory against OSU, he may pose a big threat to the defense.

OSU’s Suspensions:


Miller looks to makes plays in open space this season.

With the one-game suspensions lurking over Ohio State, a handful of players are bound to emerge. Braxton Miller’s role became a lot larger, a lot faster when it was announced that Jalin Marshall will not be eligible for the season opener. It will be exciting to see Miller embrace his new position. I think Meyer will make sure to get Miller the ball in open space, allowing him to do what he does best, make plays.

To replace Joey Bosa, the defensive will play both redshirt freshman Sam Hubbard and sophomore Jalyn Holmes. Of course, replacing a top NFL prospect like Bosa is impossible. But, Hubbard and Holmes look to emerge and show that they can get the job done.


The Buckeyes will get the revenge they have been longing for all year. But, it will not come easy. An away game at night is not easy, no matter who is hosting. Virginia Tech will most likely keep the came within reach throughout three quarters.

Meyer’s offense will then grab a spark and score a couple of quick touchdowns to give the buckeyes the separation that is going to be expected right from the beginning out of most fans.

Prediction: Ohio State: 45 Virginia Tech: 28


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