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I'll be at Mandalay Bay Saturday night watching the game betting my mortgage on the Bucks. If anyone is going to be up that way let me know and we can have a beer toast before the game.

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Good luck with the bet az.

I must ask you to drop the "got ginn" link in your posts. You are welcome to post here, just without the advertisement. Clarity (site owner) has worked VERY hard to keep BuckeyePlanet FREE to all members. That also includes being FREE of all adveretisements. He foots the bill for keeping it that way ... any ads should be the ones he wishes to see or that benefit this site. He chooses not to see any ... let's respect that decision.
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craigblitz said:
That reminds me, is there a PAYPAL link or a place to send a thank you donation to? When the server project was up I was strapped, but have some extra cash and would love to help out.


Yep, it's on the front page. Click 'Home' and it's on the lower left side.
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craigblitz said:
That reminds me, is there a PAYPAL link or a place to send a thank you donation to? When the server project was up I was strapped, but have some extra cash and would love to help out.


Wait for just another hour or so craig. There will be an announcement up that you'll want to read first.:)
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azbucki said:
I'll be at Mandalay Bay Saturday night watching the game betting my mortgage on the Bucks. If anyone is going to be up that way let me know and we can have a beer toast before the game.

Mandalay Bay has the best Sports Book in town... i love that place...
when you get hungry, order the Pastrami on Marble rye with swiss from the Turf Club deli... it's my favorite... if they still have the jalapeno kettle chips, grab a bag of those too...

that being said, i will be at home grilling an enormous steak and eating it rare as i watch the Silver Bullets butcher Bevo in HD...
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I have never been able to bring myself to place a bet (with any substantial amount of money) on the Buckeyes, no matter how much I believe that they will win. I have a hard enough time dealing with the loss in itself...without having to deal with a loss of money on top of it.
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