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Utah State's Blake Anderson Not Expected to Return as Head Coach, per Report​


With football season just around the corner, Utah State may soon be looking for a new head coach.

Aggies coach Blake Anderson has been placed on administrative leave and is not expected to return to his post, according to Tuesday morning reports from Pete Thamel of ESPN.

Blake Anderson's Potential Departure at Utah State Due to Title IX Investigation​

Utah State head football coach Blake Anderson was informed by university officials of their intent to terminate his contract for cause, the school announced on Tuesday. Anderson has 14 days to formally respond to the contract action.

Per the release, Anderson violated his employment agreement and university policy related to Title IX in the spring of 2023. Utah State's decision to terminate Anderson's employment came after "a thorough external review of alleged noncompliance with university policies that implement Title IX, which require full and timely reporting of disclosures of sexual misconduct—including domestic violence—and prohibit employees from investigating disclosures of sexual misconduct themselves."

Utah State also dismissed deputy athletic director Jerry Bovee and director of player development & community Austin Albrecht as a result of the investigation.

In a joint e-mail sent to faculty and staff at Utah State on Tuesday, school president Betsy Cantwell and director of athletics Diana Sabau detailed the reasoning for their decision.

"As leaders, we are responsible for ensuring allegations of USU policy violations are investigated," the e-mail said. "Today's actions are a result of a thorough external investigation, and we believe the evidence demands immediate action. Our job is to fearlessly hold ourselves and others accountable for their conduct and to make sure that, for the sake of our students and our community, we are living the values of our university. While recognizing the impact of these decisions on our student athletes and football program, we will continue to take the steps necessary to deliver a respectful, transparent and winning culture at Utah State University."

Utah State also dismissed deputy athletic director Jerry Bovee and director of player development & community Austin Albrecht as a result of the investigation.
The news of Anderson's impending termination came on the heels of the 55-year-old being placed on administrative leave, according to ESPN's Pete Thamel. Thamel was first to report that Anderson was not expected to return as the program's coach, and that defensive coordinator Nate Dreiling has been named the interim coach.

Anderson went 23–17 at Utah State, which included a 2021 season that saw the program go 11–3 while capturing the Mountain West title.