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Hating the environment since 1994
  • My wife and I bought a wireless mouse for her grandparents and couldn't get it to work.

    We then tried to save some pictures from her grandmothers new digital camera on to the computer and those didn't transfer as well.

    I took the Kodak digital camera to my computer and installed the software and the camera transferred the pictures just fine.

    My question is, is it possible that none of the USB ports were installed correctly or that all of them may be faulty?
    My wife and I bought a wireless mouse for her grandparents and couldn't get it to work.

    We then tried to save some pictures from her grandmothers new digital camera on to the computer and those didn't transfer as well.

    I took the Kodak digital camera to my computer and installed the software and the camera transferred the pictures just fine.

    My question is, is it possible that none of the USB ports were installed correctly or that all of them may be faulty?

    what Operating System is she running? Maybe the drivers need to be installed or re-installed?
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    Thump, are you seeing an icon pop up in your lower right taskbar when you plug it into your USB port?

    If not, you may need to boot to your bios and check to make sure your USB ports are enabled. I have had computers where the bios defaults to disabling the USB ports.
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    If this is obvious, I apologize... but I'll say it anywyay. If you plug something into a USB... and its not working.. I'd go to Add/Remove Hardware and run through that sequence... it will at least look for the stuff you plugged in one time, and if it doesn't find it, you'll wnat to look at the stuff it does find... there should be a USB driver/controller on that list.. and if there isn't, there is a problem. (If there is, and it still doesn't work, I'd check to to see if its the same one you have).

    There are a couple other things it could be, but that should solve most of them if you start there.
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    Try booting to your bios by hitting the delete button at the beginning of the bootup. Search the bios for enabling your USB ports. There's about a 20% chance of being your problem but it's worth a check.

    if that doesn't work

    right click the "my computer" icon
    click properties
    click on the hardware tab
    click on the device manager button
    look at the ports to ensure that they are working, also look at the controller to make sure it doesn't need updated
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    Thanks for the help guys.

    Unfortunately, nothing worked.

    I got on the line with 688-HELP last night at OSU and the guy tried everything he knew like having me update the drivers and such to no avail.

    (Those guys at 688-HELP are AWESOME and are definitely much appreciated.)
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