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LGHL Urban Meyer says J.T. Barrett as the red zone quarterback is probably here to stay

Alexis Chassen

Urban Meyer says J.T. Barrett as the red zone quarterback is probably here to stay
Alexis Chassen
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


The Buckeyes are now 6-0 and have seemingly gotten a handle on the quarterback position -- at least for now.

The Buckeyes are coming off a 49-28 win over Maryland on Saturday, and are heading into a tougher slate of conference and prime time games. Ohio State will host Penn State next weekend for a night game. Last year, the Nittany Lions came terrifyingly close to ruining the national championship run. The Buckeyes hope this year's game isn't quite as close.

The team had more success this week using both quarterbacks, utilizing J.T. Barrett in the red zone while maintaining Cardale Jones as the starter.

New quarterback scheme

  • Cardale Jones had one of his better days statistically, and is starting to find a rhythm as the starter. "Cardale continues to grow as a human being, as a young man," Meyer said. "There's an incredible amount of respect for him."
  • Meyer thinks Barrett will stay the red zone quarterback, at least for the time being. He admits that Barrett probably helped energize the team and crowd.
  • Barrett has the personality and work ethic to handle coming in during red zone plays. Meyer appreciates that he came in and scored three touchdowns and liked seeing the smile on his face after success. "He's always going to lead, that's just the way he is."
  • "He's a guy that gets better when you let him roll," but will stay as the red zone package until he beats Jones out consistently for the starting role.
Ezekiel Elliott and other offensive weapons

  • Meyer is still trying to get Braxton Miller more action on Saturdays. When asked what the appropriate way for players to tell coaches they want more touches, Meyer quipped they should just say, "I want the ball."
  • In the red zone, they made a concerted effort to run against Maryland, which was aided with Barrett under center. Another reason for the dual quarterback system is because, "Cardale can't run the sweep."
Penalties are still an issue

  • Four penalties on the offensive line was the only negative on the day.
Defensive struggles

  • Ohio State is a "good team, that gave up 130 yards to a scrambling yards." Two weeks in a row now that they have essentially stopped the run, except for that of the quarterback.
Preparing for Penn State

  • Urban Meyer's first thought on wearing black uniforms against Penn State, "No way, no chance." After seeing Nike's designs and talking to Gene Smith, they really liked it and the fan experience it could bring.
  • Penn State has "very good" defense and could be one of the toughest they'll face.
Players/champions of the game

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