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Google Urban Meyer on need to pick full-time QB: 'Might be some truth to that' - ESPN

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Buckeyes - Google News

Urban Meyer on need to pick full-time QB: 'Might be some truth to that' - ESPN
via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".

Urban Meyer on need to pick full-time QB: 'Might be some truth to that'
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- There is still no clear-cut winner in the ongoing race to claim the starting quarterback position at Ohio State, but Urban Meyer might be ready to settle on one guy. The Buckeyes coach just doesn't know exactly who it will be.
Bob Hunter commentary | Buckeyes' quarterback situation far from what was expectedColumbus Dispatch
Breaking down Ohio State's tight win, Cardale Jones' benching vs. NIUCBSSports.com
Who's the quarterback? Buckeyes don't seem to knowComcast SportsNet Chicago

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