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BTN Top performers from Saturday’s Week 11 Big Ten football games

  • Thread starter Sean Merriman, BTN.com
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Sean Merriman, BTN.com

Top performers from Saturday’s Week 11 Big Ten football games
Sean Merriman, BTN.com web editor via Big Ten Network

What a day of Big Ten football! [ MORE: Week 11 scoreboard | Big Ten standings | Big Ten stats ] Fans were treated to some outstanding plays, incredible finishes, and of course, plenty of great individual standouts. Who tops this week’s list of top performers? Well, that’s what I’m here to tell you! Here are my top 10 individual performers from Week 11 of the Big Ten football season. 1. Jake Rudock, QB, Michigan. This guy was simply amazing in Michigan’s 48-41 win over Indiana. The Wolverines’ senior quarterback completed 33-of-46 passes for a career-high 440 yards and six

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