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Google Top 25 football: No. 1 Buckeyes, Hokies meet in Labor Day rematch - Waterbury Republican...

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Top 25 football: No. 1 Buckeyes, Hokies meet in Labor Day rematch - Waterbury Republican American
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Top 25 football: No. 1 Buckeyes, Hokies meet in Labor Day rematch
Waterbury Republican American
Monday, September 7, 2015 1:05 AM EDT. Top 25 football: No. 1 Buckeyes, Hokies meet in Labor Day rematch. By HANK KURZ Jr. AP Sports Writer. Ohio State coach Urban Meyer says he meant no disrespect to Virginia Tech when he blamed the Buckeyes' ...
Jones unaware he was starting until Buckeyes' first possessionWinston-Salem Journal
Cardale Jones gets the start for Ohio State, leads Buckeyes to early TDNBCSports.com
Ronda Rousey Relationship News: 'Rowdy' Shows Public Support For Cardale Jones ...Sports World News

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