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LGHL Top 2018 shooting guard visiting Ohio State

Zach Fleer

Top 2018 shooting guard visiting Ohio State
Zach Fleer
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Tim Finke, the No. 1 player in Illinois' 2018 class is visiting Ohio State on Saturday

With one commit already in-store in Ohio State basketball's 2018 recruiting class, the Buckeye coaching staff is busy scouting the Midwest landscape. Tim Finke, the No. 1 player in Illinois' 2018 class according to Prep Hoops Illinois, is visiting the Ohio State campus on Saturday.

In news first reported by Scott Burgess of Prep Hoops Illinois, Finke, who checks in at 6'5 and attends Champaign Central High School, is a big visitor for Ohio State. Burgess provided us with an excellent breakdown of what Finke brings to the floor:

Finke is the state of Illinois' top 2018 prospect. He is a 6-5 shooting guard with explosive athleticism attacking the hoop and playing above the rim. Finke is also a plus plus shooter that is great in both catch and shoot situations as well as off the bounce. Knows how to set shot up moving well without the ball. Solid defender that uses length and lateral quickness.

Currently, Finke holds five offers from regional programs including Illinois, Creighton and DePaul, among others. Finke is the younger brother of redshirt freshman Illinois wing Michael Finke. With Upper Arlington shooting guard Dane Goodwin as Ohio State's lone commit in 2018, the Buckeyes have been active in recruiting another combo-guard to join the Golden Bear sniper.

Thad Matta and his staff have made Cleveland Holy Name wing guard Dwayne Cohill a major target, while also showing interest to 6'3 Baton Rouge, Louisana guard Javonte Smart. The Buckeyes are also targeting a few wing forward prospects including 6'7 Pickerington North forward Jerome Hunter and 6-foot-8 Orlando Christian Prep forward Giir Ring, who is a native of Australia.

Check out some highlights of Finke below.

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