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BTN Tom’s Takes: Week 11 honors, grades, stock reports & numbers

  • Thread starter Tom Dienhart, BTN.com
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Tom Dienhart, BTN.com

Tom’s Takes: Week 11 honors, grades, stock reports & numbers
Tom Dienhart, BTN.com Senior Writer via Big Ten Network

No big shocks this Saturday in the Big Ten, as Ohio State and Iowa remained unbeaten. Nebraska won two games in a row for the first time, while Michigan State got back on track, Michigan won the wildest Big Ten game of 2015 and Northwestern pushed its winning streak to three. Get my Week 11 wrap below: Biggest surprise: It wasn’t a shock that Indiana pushed Michigan to the limit in a double-overtime Wolverine victory. But it was a shock to see the Hoosiers rip through Michigan’s defense for 307 yards rushing with Jordan Howard notching 238. It was also

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