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LGHL The official Ohio State-Hawaii trailer is here for all your pregame hype needs

Luke Zimmermann

The official Ohio State-Hawaii trailer is here for all your pregame hype needs
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


/runs through wall

After Ohio State's emphatic road win over a stout defensively Virginia Tech squad who'd upset them a year prior, you probably don't *need* a hype video to get you ready for Saturday afternoon's home opener.

That said, I mean, since David Trichel and his team made this kick butt one, you may as well go ahead and fire it up a couple of times.

From the opening dramatic tones on through some of the best plays from the VT game, you'll be ready to tackle somebody from beginning to end.

"You've been given your mission, your assignment, your directive. You put that foot in the ground and you go."

Go Bucks.

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