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Thanks for the memories!

it was a great year, lets just hope that this continues with new recruits every year!

Cook - thanks for the "spark"
Conley - thanks for the "holy shit did he just do that"
Oden - thanks for the monster blocks and the level head
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While it's sad that these three were only here for a season, Matta has it lined up to where we're going to be the Indiana of the 1970s...that is, the Big Ten's perennial national basketball power who's the favorite to win the conference title nearly every year and a serious national title contender most years. The ride ain't over folks, it has only begun...
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MililaniBuckeye;817138; said:
While it's sad that these three were only here for a season, Matta has it lined up to where we're going to be the Indiana of the 1970s...that is, the Big Ten's perennial national basketball power who's the favorite to win the conference title nearly every year and a serious national title contender most years. The ride ain't over folks, it has only begun...

We have 7'2'' talent and some very experienced Sophs/JRs/SRs. Didnt we not survive the first half without Oden? We got an even bigger man coming in next year guys. We are gonna be alright! Trust the coaches.

And thanks to the Thad Three, and the Seniors too!!!
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