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LGHL Terrelle Pryor survives Browns cuts, makes 53-man roster

  • Thread starter Luke Zimmermann
  • Start date

Luke Zimmermann

Luke Zimmermann via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land


The former Buckeye QB's versatility apparently gave the Browns' braintrust enough to entice them to keep him.

After a period of uncertainty and even much debate and speculation in and around the organization, former Ohio State QB turned Cleveland Browns wide receiver Terrelle Pryor has survived the cut to 53 and will be a member of the team this season. Pryor had previously been with the Chiefs during OTAs and the Bengals shortly thereafter as a quarterback but decided to make the transition to wide receiver after the brief stints in Kansas City and Cincinnati.

No stranger to controversy during his Buckeye playing days, Pryor reportedly drew the ire of the Bengals after tweeting practice footage to his personal Twitter account. Since, he's transitioned to wide receiver and signed in Cleveland, which though sidelined for a stretch with hamstring issues, was apparently able to showcase enough to ensure he made the final team.

Former Ohio State teammate Brian Hartline, long thought to be at odds with Pryor, not-so-cryptically tweeted criticism of the Browns' roster moves earlier Saturday in what might be interpreted as a shot at his fellow Buckeye. At the very least, it's likely that Hartline took issue with the cut of blue collar wide receiver Josh Lenz, who just a day prior was praised by another ex-Buckeye, safety Donte Whitner, in what many took as an interpretation Lenz would stick on the final roster.

Pryor, Hartline, Whitner, and the Browns open their season a week from Sunday, Sept. 13, in New Jersey against the New York Jets.

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