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tBBC Ten Questions with Ohio State Women’s Tennis Coach Melissa A. Schaub


Ten Questions with Ohio State Women’s Tennis Coach Melissa A. Schaub
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


(Photo courtesy of (www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com)

Interview concluded: 04/28/16.

First let’s congratulate The Ohio State University Women’s Tennis Team in their victory in the Big 10 Tournament. They are BIG Champions! And they defeated TTUN 4-2 Sunday May 1st in East Lansing. They are now the automatic bid for the Big 10 in the NCAA Championships.

I am so proud to introduce to tBBC and our loyal base – along with all of Buckeye Nation their Head Coach – Melissa A. Schaub. Ever since Melissa’s presence in the leadership role of the Women’s Tennis Team – The Buckeyes have progressively improved – and as we see – are on a march for greatness. Melissa deserves credit for this. I am appreciative that she took a moment in her busy schedule – especially during the Big Ten Tournaments to answer my Ten Questions. It was exceptionally kind of her.

tBBC: After five seasons on the coaching staff of Middle Tennessee before returning home, so to say, being a Lexington, Ohio native, in order to join The Ohio State University staff – what was the motivational key that triggered your choice for the Buckeyes, and was it sentimental in your unheralded, or perhaps it was heralded, return to Central Ohio?

Schaub: I don’t think it was really a hard decision. I have always been and always will be a Buckeye at heart. I grew up surrounded by Ohio State fans and definitely was one myself. To have the opportunity to come back here and Coach for this athletic department seemed like a no-brainer. I think the decision was sentimental, in a way. I take pride in where I grew up — I love that I come from a small town in Ohio. I think that’s what makes Ohio State so special. It is built on a working mentality, a “school of the people”. That is something that I love being a part of, the feeling that you are doing all of this for something that the entire state is getting behind. That is extremely special!

tBBC: In your collegiate playing days at the University of Tennessee you were ranked as high as # 2 nationally in doubles. Can you help us understand the dedication that is needed in such a noticeable achievement?

Schaub: We were a good team that year. I had the chance to play alongside one of the best players in college tennis. She was older than me and more experienced. Her work ethic and determination rubbed off on me really early on. We were really good friends and wanted to do whatever we could for each other and our team. Leading in to that, I had always loved doubles. My dad has a club in Lexington. I remember being young and if there was an odd number in any adult doubles league, he would get me to fill in. I learned a lot about doubles during those times. I understood how to play doubles from not only my dad but also from the adults in Lexington that had to put up with me being the 8th player sometimes in their league. Ha.

tBBC: As a freshmen at the University of Tennessee, you were an All-American and 2nd team All-SEC, finishing out the year ranked 6th nationally. Did you ever imagine such a quick and promising ride when you left Lexington High School?

Schaub: I was lucky to have a good freshman year. I was able to stay healthy. I think that I went into college prepared. I worked very hard and pushed myself to be as ready as I could be going into that freshman campaign. The Idea that I was playing for my school, teammates, coaches — that was the motivating factor. College tennis was the greatest, and I had people around me every day that were pushing me. That’s what it’s all about. It makes the long hours and the commitment that it takes well worth it.

tBBC: This year thus far the Women’s Tennis team for the Buckeyes has set the program record in wins – you are 21-2 with 4 matches remaining on the schedule and the Big Ten Tournament is looming in the very near future as well. How proud are you of this team, and can you take a look into your crystal ball and share with us the outcome by May 1st?

Schaub: I am incredibly proud. This team is very special. They have bought into the process and worked tirelessly to have the season that we are having right now. I don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but I know that we are willing to put in the work, and more importantly than anything else, they have the belief that big things can happen. What I am most proud about, is that this team does things the right way. They take care of their work in the classroom, in the community, and are good kids.

tBBC: I believe that every Buckeye, student, teacher, coach, or employee, has that special spot on campus they seek for either quiet personal reflection, or positive interaction. Is there such a spot for you, and if so – where is it?

I would say the Oval. Whenever I am on campus, especially on a nice day, all of the students are out walking around, reading a book, playing Frisbee. It seems like such a happy place where everyone is having such a good time and experience in school.

tBBC: Who is your favorite athlete of all-time — it can be anyone from any era — from the Ohio State University?

Schaub: Archie Griffin – of course!

tBBC: What is the best advice you ever received pertaining to playing or coaching and did you follow the advice?

Schaub: I was given advice about coaching early on “no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care”. It is very important to me, as a coach, for my players to know that I have their backs. We are a family.

tBBC: Coaches love promoting their programs, speaking of their stars and their unnoticed weapons – is there anything you’d love to share with Buckeye Nation in reference to your phenomenal team?

Schaub: I am just so proud of this team. They do things the right way and they are one of the best TEAMS that I have ever been around or part of. The four juniors now, Ferny (Angeles Paz), Miho (Kowase), Sandy (Niehaus), and Gaby (De Santis) are truly the heart of the team. They came into an unranked program and now have led us to a Big Ten Title. We have five kids from Ohio. Sandy Niehaus, Niki Flower, Andrea Ballinger, Francesca Dilorenzo, and Anna Sanford — they will do anything for the Buckeyes and truly are Buckeyes for life.

tBBC: Your brother Ty played tennis for the Buckeyes. Your sister Courtney played for Cumberland University. Your father Ron played for Ohio University. You being a Volunteer of Tennessee are there ever any playful pride extensions at the Schaub family gatherings?

Schaub: Haha, we definitely are a tennis family. My mom keeps us all sane. Things would get competitive growing up for sure. My dad would be the one egging it on though (and then eventually pull us off the court, oops). He loved it! I think we all just love the sport of tennis and what we have been given because of it. Now, it is the best support anyone could ask for. I am following along all of my brothers matches at University of San Diego and I know he is doing the same. My sister is one of our biggest fans. The family support just means so much, especially because we all get it — what it’s like to be involved at this level.

tBBC: Could you share with your fellow Buckeyes why you love The Ohio State University and what it means to you to be a Buckeye?

Schaub: How could you not love it? When I think about getting the ultimate college experience, Ohio State is what I think of. You have an entire state that gets behind you. Ohio State has the largest alumni base in the WORLD. There are Buckeyes everywhere. I don’t think I have ever been to another state where I haven’t gotten at least an O-H! from a few different people. Everyone that is a part of this university, knows what a special place it is. I couldn’t be happier or more proud to call myself a BUCKEYE!

Thank you again Coach Schaub for your time. It is appreciated. The fact that you took time out to answer my questions during your march for The BIG Ten Championship shows your unselfishness in the small gesture of allowing your fans a glimpse into your world. You undoubtedly are proud of your Team’s accomplishments – as is Buckeye Nation. I feel you deserve the credit for these successes because great talent often wavers without guidance and leadership – of which you have proven in your delivery since arriving at The Ohio State University. Congratulations again …. And in your march through the NCAA Tournaments I hope you drop by to give us an update and to share some thoughts with all of Buckeye Nation. We look forward to further success for the Women’s Tennis Team here at The Ohio State University.

The post Ten Questions with Ohio State Women’s Tennis Coach Melissa A. Schaub appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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