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tBBC tBBC Pick ’em Week 2: The Hallucinations Continue


tBBC Pick ’em Week 2: The Hallucinations Continue
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Welcome to the 3rd year of our internal tBBC pick measuring contest. After Week 1, Joe has a narrow lead over Charles and Jeff. On to this week’s picks:

Bowling Green @ Maryland

Patrick: Crab cakes and football, that’s what MARYLAND does.

Ken: Maryland – other than that BGSU players enjoy the fresh seafood

Mike: BGSU

WVa: Maryland will continue BGSU misery

JC: BG – This isn’t Basketball!

Charles: Maryland takes advantage of BGSU’s poor rushing defense for the win.

Joe: Upset alert! Upset Alert! BG played Tennessee tough last week and Maryland is anything but tough. I’m taking the Falcons in a scratch your head upset. (don’t let Joe fool you; he picked N’western as an upset last week)

Scott: Maryland – Falcons leave College Park crabby.



Split decision. This will happen with bubble B1G vs MAC

Buffalo @ Penn State

Patrick: Even as bad as they played, I can’t see PENN STATE losing to Buffalo

Ken: Bulls could use Khalil Mack. Penn State gets a home win and all the beavers are happy in the valley

Mike: Penn State

WVa: State Penn rebounds big

JC: Penn State

Charles: PSU finds a way to keep Hackenburg upright long enough for the win

Joe: You have to watch this game to see if the Offensive line of Penn State will allow Christian Hackenberg to survive. I think he hangs on by a thread and so does PSU

Scott: Surely the punchless Lions can beat Buffalo. Yes they will.



Strong support for Penn State. No, seriously.

Indiana State @ Purdue

Patrick: Purdon’t gets right after bookend pick 6’s on Sunday, PURDUE.

Ken: Purdue, assuming they throw to their own team mates

Mike: Purdue

WVa: Purdue rebounds big as well

JC: Purdue – The Boilermakers will eventually come around ….

Charles: Even Purdue can’t blow this, can they?

Joe: Purdue – A sycamore isn’t as great as a thundering herd

Scott: Purdue is bad. Indiana State is badder. Boiler Up.



It looks like fellow Muskingum alum Hazell could get a “W”!

Miami (OH) @ Wisconsin

Patrick: Stave and the BADGERS get right.

Ken: Wisconsin – doing it (scheduling) right this week

Mike: Wisconsin

WVa: Wisconsin – Seeing a theme here for rebounds

JC: Wisconsin – This is Badger Time

Charles: Wisconsin looked good at times against Alabama and will take out some aggression in this one

Joe: Not even Joel Stave can mess this game up…

Scott: Big Ben is not walking into the Miami locker room. Whiskey is ticked off and thrashes the RedHawks.



Quite a difference is scheduling from Week 1, no, Badgers?

Oregon State @ Michigan

Patrick: I’d love to say this is Gary Anderson’s coming out party, but, when you manage only 27 points against Weber State, I find it hard they’ll score enough against a good MICHIGAN defense.

Ken: Michigan – o/u is 45.5. Not much going on offensively

Mike: Oregon State

WVa: TTUN – as bad as I hate to..

JC: Oregon State – Jimbo 0-2

Charles: Michigan gets Harbaugh his first win thanks to home field advantage

Joe: Michigan – The Beavers couldn’t throw the football consistently to save a damn. That gives Michigan’s defense the edge.

Scott: Wolverines beat the Beavers.



Leaning toward Michigan only because their defense appears somewhat competent.

Western Illionis @ Illinois

Patrick: ILLINOIS won’t have to wait 24 hours before heading to 2-0.

Ken: Illinois – the Tim Beckman Resurgence continues.

Mike: Illinois

WVa: Illini wins the state final

JC: Illinois

Charles: Illinois because why not

Joe: Illinois -The Illini are 2-0 in the Bill Cubit era!

Scott: flip a coin. Illinois wins. 3-2



Maybe Bill Cubit s/h/b Illinois HC a couple years ago?

Hawaii @ Ohio State

Patrick: This game is the type of game you wanna see if you can score 80 when you see it on you NCAA 16 Xbox schedule, BUCKEYES in a rout.

Ken: Buckeyes. Line started at OSU -38, has gone to -40. Rainbow Warriors get leied.

Mike: Ohio State

WVa: the Buckeyes throw their own version of a luOW!

JC: OSU – Aloha Buckeyes

Charles: Ohio State gets up big and puts in the alumni band in the fourth quarter

Joe: Ohio State -The Rainbow warriors run a rooster package. The Buckeye defense forces offenses to lay eggs.

Scott: Buckeyes score 80.



Can OSU beat Hawaii by “5 0″?

Minnesota @ Colorado State

Patrick: GOPHERS get in the win column.

Ken: Minnesota – a good road win for Gophers

Mike: Minnesota

WVa: Minnesota gets back on track

JC: Colorado State – Just a feeling

Charles: Minnesota almost beat TCU in week 1, even on the road Colorado State isn’t as much of a challenge

Joe: MinnySOTA!

Scott: Gophers bounce back for good road win.



A strong Minnesota lean, but JC “feels it”.

Washington State @ Rutgers

Patrick: Washington State played their opening game in a driving monsoon. They’ll head east to face a team who’s program is in disarray buy RUTGERS have enough to beat the Fighting Mike Leach’s.

Ken: Washington State makes the cross country trip worthwhile

Mike: Washington State

WVa: Rutgers rolls

JC: Washington State

Charles: Rutgers beats the team that lost to a 1-AA opponent last week

Joe: Rutgers – Even Rutgers has a hard time losing to the Wazoo State fighting Leaches

Scott: ruh-roh Rutgers. wazzu gets a win



Kind of a split decision, but the “Fighting Leaches”, phonetically, is a bad visual.

Eastern Illinois @ Northwestern

Patrick: Pat Fitzgerald gets the CATS to 2-0

Ken: Northwestern – The Fightin’ PatFitz’s beats a Directional Illinois team

Mike: Northwestern

WVa: NW is the dark horse of the B1G

JC: NW – The magic continues

Charles: Northwestern has no trouble in this one

Joe: N’Western – Pat Pat he’s our man. The only team in the Big Ten worth talking about right, national media?

Scott: Northwestern – no let down for the real university of Illinois.



Pat Fitzgerald makes his case for B1GCOY.

Iowa @ Iowa State

Patrick: IOWA wins the first trophy game of the year.

Ken: Iowa wins this purely on Tyler Sash emotion

Mike: Iowa State University

WVa: coin flip says ISU

JC: Iowa State

Charles: Iowa wins thanks to a more balanced offense

Joe: Iowa – Do I really need to make a pick in this game? I expect a 6-3 win for the team that lands on the ball more offensively… ugh.

Scott: I wanna pick Iowa state. But I won’t. Hawkeyes win.



Someone from the state of Iowa will win this thing

FIU @ Indiana

Patrick: The early season woes continue for the B1G as FIU comes to Bloomington and takes care of business.

Ken: Indiana out shoots (it has to) FIU

Mike: FIU

WVa: Hoosiers play football too

JC: Indiana

Charles: Florida International takes advantage of the Hoosiers not having a defense

Joe: Indiana – FIU got the upset last week. Indiana only beat Southern Illinois because they went for the win at the end of the game. Indiana wakes up this week.

Scott: FIU with another shocker.



This could be a “last possession wins” situation

Oregon @ Michigan State

Patrick: Marcus Mariota isn’t walking through the door anytime soon and SPARTY gets revenge from 2014.

Ken: Michigan State does the B1G a solid

Mike: Oregon

WVa: Sparty wins this time

JC: Oregon

Charles: Michigan State gets revenge from last year

Joe: Michigan State – No Sparty Nos No Sparty Nos No Sparty Nos

Scott: Sparty in a shootout.



Lean towards a Spartan win. Let’s hope so.

South Alabama @ Nebraska

Patrick: After losing a heart breaker in week 1, the HUSKERS get in the win column.

Ken: Nebraska wins, but let’s hope it doesn’t come down to Hail Mary situation. Huskers are 4 TD favorites; it better not.


WVa: no Hail Mary needed here. Hustlers destroy


Charles: Nebraska shouldn’t have trouble with this one

Joe: Nebraska – Enough Said

Scott: Nebraska. Both teams suck.



Nebraska, seriously?

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