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via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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The awards may have been obvious to you and sometimes Patrick changes his mind about who needs improvement(not) and mostly he never does. Didn’t have time with the quick turn-around to include #TBBCFansInteract but will make sure it happens next week!


tOSU Offensive MVP

Braxton just before the spin, and just before Zeke ruins some poor players day

MDotySr – Braxton Miller

Jason – Braxton Miller

Joe – The B Button

Ken – Braxton Miller

Patrick – Braxton Miller

Scott – Braxton Miller

WVa – There was a point during the game where I was wondering aloud to my wife, “wonder where Braxton’s touches are that we were told about?” I was answered almost immediately with the first touch down(see Rumblin’, Stumblin’, Bumblin’ on Friday) then that spin move . . , woof!

tOSU O-line MVP

MDotySr – Boren

Jason – I expected better, I’ll politely pass on this one

Joe – 10.2 Yards per play an OSU record? Giving the whole line credit on that

Ken – maybe Decker. Boren gets Booby Prize

Patrick – Taylor Decker

Scott – nobody deserves it quite frankly.

WVa – I am not sure what Scott has been smoking, but the O-line kept the Buckeyes in the game despite turnovers and bad execution in the second quarter(see Rumblin’, Stumblin’, Bumblin’ on Friday), Pat Elflein had one of the best blocks I have ever seen on Zeke’s 80 yard TD through the heart of Virginia(yes that’s a thing too). 65’s block of two people was amazing.

tOSU Offensive Top Play

MDotySr – Samuel diving TD catch.

Jason – Braxton and that spin

Joe – Zeke’s Block on Braxton’s run

Ken – Braxton’s Spin Move TD run

Patrick – Braxton’s spin move

Scott – Braxton’s TD run. The B Button.

WVa – I am having a hard time not going with Zekes long TD run early just because Of Elfleins block. But, Braxton sent a message, do not sleep on him. His spin move TD from wildcat was a thing of beauty that we will probably see multiple times this season. Funny thing is everyone was trying to get to him and Zeke had a monster block to spring him.

tOSU Offensive Unsung

MDotySr – Curtis Samuel

Jason – Curtis Samuel

Joe – ‘Dale. Stuck to the gameplan in the first half and was able to make adjustments to start the second.

Ken – Zeke. When he wasn’t running he was delivering key blocks

Patrick – Ezekiel Elliott – blocking on pass plays is crucial.

Scott – JT Barrett. Handled it with class.

WVa – Toss up between the two QB’s who got everyone’s attention during the fall and handled it all with class. I think Cardale was truly surprised he was the choice.


tOSU Defensive MVP

Conley getting ready to lower the boom

MDotySr – Darron Lee

Jason – Joshua Perry

Joe – Gareon Conley — Great cover D all night

Ken – Tyvis Powell

Patrick – Raekwon McMillan – seems like his name was called all night long.

Scott – Joey Bosa. D-line missed him.

WVa – Going with Broseph here, Conley stepped up! You get the feeling the secondary is never really set and he atleast bought himself anothe couple weeks as a starter. Great tackler and likes to lay the wood!

tOSU D-line MVP

MDotySr – Tyquan Lewis

Jason – Adolphus Washington

Joe – Adolphus “Feed Me Quarterbacks” Washington

Ken – A-Wash

Patrick – Adolphus Washington

Scott – Adolphus Washington.

WVa – Washington was almost unanimous here, until I went and agreed with Mdoty Sr! Lewis was ridiculous and yes he benefited from the attention Washington got by Lewis reminded us we may be okay if Bosa isn’t in the game.

tOSU Defensive Top Play

MDotySr – Hubbard Sack set the stage early.

Jason – Darron Lee and that crushing hit late, not much impact on the outcome, but I liked it!

Joe – Washington’s Sack of Brewer

Ken – Powell’s INT in 3rd

Patrick – Washington taking out Brewer. Changed complexion of entire game.

Scott – third Q fumble recovery

WVa – Is there more of a ball hawk on the team other than Tyvis Powell? He always seems to be in the right place at the right time, and it’s usually going up high to get the ball.

tOSU Defensive Unsung

MDotySr – Hubbard with the sack and Holmes with the strip.

Jason – Joshua Perry

Joe – Raekwon McMillan

Ken – Tommy Schutt

Patrick – Tommy Schutt

Scott – Raekwon McMillan.

WVa – Hubbard did a pretty good job of giving us a glimpse of what the future looks like from the hard worker.

Odds and Ends

tOSU Special Teams MVP

MDotySr – Cameron Johnston by default

Jason – Paris Campbell for at least having one highlight on a rough night for him

Joe – Paris Campbell at Gunner

Ken – hahaha

Patrick – Negetory

Scott – surely you jest.

WVa – This was a hot mess(hate that I actually found a sentence I could use that in), and the leader of the gang(Coach Meyer) cannot be very happy! This needs some work all across the board and I am sure we will see different return guys and maybe the kicker we had last year.

tOSU Needs Improvement

MDotySr – Special Teams, Special Teams, Special Teams

Jason – Special teams

Joe – I’m glad that Jalin Marshall returns this week to return punts…

Ken – ball security and mental focus

Patrick – Dontre Wilson( I expect a new answer next week)

Scott – Offense. Can’t always rely on big plays.

WVa – This was not a 9 unit strong team, although the family unit is killing it on twitter now, but there needs to be some improvements in atleast three of the nine.

VaTech MVP

MDotySr – Brewer

Jason – That fullback kid? I dunno, I don’t concern myself with praising the enemy

Joe – Dadi Nicholas

Ken – Michael Brewer

Patrick – Va Tech fans. Class class class

Scott – Motley. Tough spot to come in.

WVa – Michael Brewer has my vote here, because now without him they are below average at best. Motley may have kept them competitive during the second half but it is clear Brewer is the man. Here’s hoping he heals quickly and can save their season.

B1G Coach MVP

MDotySr – Fitzgerald

Jason – Pat Fitzgerald

Joe – Pat Fitzgerald

Ken – this game Bud Foster. For the B1G, Pat Fitzgerald

Patrick – Pat Fitzgerald

Scott – Bud Foster. That defense is tough (for a half). For B1G gotta be Pat Fitzgerald.

WVa – Pat Fitzgerald is the guy I want to steal if Urban Meyer ever leaves. Jerry Kill will never leave Minny, so Fitz is the guy. He may never leave NW but that’s okay too because he is putting the smart guys back on the map!

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