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I honestly may as well go ahead and make the title of this every week, “Patrick thinks Dontre needs to improve!” other than that answer each week, there are a few that may surprise TBBC readership this week.


tOSU Offensive MVP

Not a tough choice here, Zeke is leading the best team in two very important categories, rushing and blocking!

MDotySr – Elliott with the TD’s and big blocks that need to be highlighted.

Jason – Zeke for sure.

Joe – Ezekiel Elliott willed this team in the second half and was the only constant on rough day for the OSU Offense.

Ken – Ezekiel Elliott: He carried the offensive load in the 4th qtr to get the offense looking like some semblance of an offence.

Patrick – Ezekiel Elliott. 27 rough carries and carried the way for the offense.

Scott – Zeke. He was the offense.

WVa – There’s no denying it this week. The work horse got it done and picked the team up in the process. Ezekiel Elliott is the best back in America right now.

  • It looks like Ezekiel Elliott was unanimous favorite this week.

tOSU O-line MVP

MDotySr – Chase Farris by default

Jason – Leaving this one blank again. Two weeks in a row, is that an issue?

Joe – Does Ezekiel Elliott count? #BlockStar

Ken – No one comes to mind

Patrick – Taylor Decker continues to play like a 1st round draft pick.

Scott – Ha!

WVa – No surprise here, the good thing about the entire line stinking this week is that it gives them a lot of room for improvement, thank goodness the bad game didn’t happen against VaTech. Can I get an amen?!

  • The Staff is pretty undecided/indifferent about this. Much like what we saw on the field.

tOSU Offensive Top Play

MDotySr – See Joe’s.

Jason – Any of Jalin Marshall’s plays. It was good to see him back out there.

Joe – Ezekiel Elliott dive plays to the endzone??

Ken – Elliott’s TD at the 9:10 mark of the 4th qtr. It provided a bit of breathing room.

Patrick – Not sure they had a top play.

Scott – Ha! Part 2

WVa – There were a few times, Braxton was close and so was Zeke, but I am deferring to Scott here . . , Ha!

  • Split amongst Ezekiel, Jalin and Ha! A pretty accurate reflection of the game.

tOSU Offensive Unsung

Great speed and strength, Curtis Samuel will break one soon.

MDotySr – Curtis Samuel. Just waiting for that super breakout game and it’s coming!

Jason – Curtis Samuel again.

Joe – Curtis Samuel had 7 catches and was more involved in the offense per Urban Meyer’s request.

Ken – Jalin Marshall: he had 6 touches for 85 total yards. Not bad for 1st game back in action

Patrick – JT Barrett. Only in for 2 series but offense seemed to step up a bit.

Scott – Jalin Marshall. He got some quality yardage in his first game back.

WVa – Curtis Samuel is that guy thats more like TGII than Braxton, you know it’s coming and then it will happen often after that. Kid is shifty and strong!

  • Obligatory Barrett and a Marshall sighting. Otherwise, a strong lean for Curtis Samuel. Well done, lad.


tOSU Defensive MVP

Conley’s pick got a great response from the crowd

MDotySr – Darron Lee

Jason – Darron Lee

Joe – The Back 7 played championship caliber football on Saturday.

Ken – Josh Perry: he led the team in tackles (7) including a sack. A good afternoon.

Patrick – Vonn Bell. Quickly becoming an all american candidate.

Scott – entire secondary graded out as champions as far as I’m concerned.

WVa – It’s awesome when a team possesses a shutdown corner, but an entire back seven? WOOF! What a difference a couple years makes here and they are being led by two young men that bring the wood too, Vonn Bell and Gareon Conley. Do not see many teams trying the deep stuff or even over the middle against this team.

  • Pretty much Darron Lee & The Back Seven. Better than any boy band you’ve ever seen.

tOSU D-line MVP

MDotySr – Adolphus Washington

Jason – Adolphus Washington

Joe – Sam Hubbard had another great game as did Tyquan Lewis on the edge.

Ken – A-Wash. He ate up a lot of space and a lot of Hawai’i ball carriers (6 tackles).

Patrick – Welcome back Joey Bosa.

Scott – Adolphus was a monster.

WVa – Is anyone gonna block Adolphus? Oh yeah, the Hawaiians did try!!

  • Adolphus Washington gets the nod, with some mention of miscellaneous DE’s.

tOSU Defensive Top Play

MDotySr – Conley’s interception. He is really playing at a high level right now!

Jason – Conley’s INT

Joe – The Vonn Bell Academy is at Full Enrollment and is Rumblin’ Stumblin’ Bumblin’ am I right WVA?

Ken – Gareon Conley’s interception. It set up OSU’s struggling offense with a short field.

Patrick – Scoop and score by Vonn Bell.

Scott – Conley’s INT. was the best play for the offense too.

WVa – Gareon’s family was sitting in my section on Saturday, not very far from his pops, and when he intercepted the pass, I ran down and said I really like that kid!! They responded in kind, a big day for him. On Joe’s note, I could really do an entire Rumblin’, and Stumblin’ on Vonn this week. He didn’t Bumble at all but was good and a little bad(not really)

  • Conley & Bell split the votes. Good choices.

tOSU Defensive Unsung

Tyquan Lewis will be getting some extra attention in the coming weeks

MDotySr – Joshua Perry

Jason – Joshua Perry

Joe – Gareon Conley proved to me that he is the best cover corner in the program on Saturday.

Ken – Tyquan Lewis: A steady game at “The Other End” position

Patrick – Once again Raekwon just seems to make all the tackles and all the plays….very quietly.

Scott – I concur when Ken.

WVa – Going to agree with Ken and Scott here, teams(so far) are having a difficult time choosing who to double down and TL is being left one on one with an over-matched lineman. No other way to describe what’s happening with him right now. Bet he sees a lot of the full-back this week!

  • Josh Perry wins the popular vote. As he should.
Odds and Ends

tOSU Special Teams MVP

MDotySr – Dante Booker was all over the place.

Jason – Dante Booker

Joe – Braxton Miller setting screens like a superstar 15 Year Old on NBA 2k. BUT Parris Campbell is something else on Special Teams. He gets after it.

Ken – Kick-off and punt coverage teams.

Patrick – Dante Booker

Scott – Parris Campbell is all over the place. Football’s Chris Jent?

WVa – Got to meet Shelly Woodruff on Saturday as well, (Parris Mom) and she had a fun day watching her son tear up the competition again. Really beginning to enjoy watching the young head-hunter on special teams!

  • Dante Booker heads the class, with Parris Campbell a close 2nd.

tOSU Needs Improvement

MDotySr – Playing up to a high level no matter the competition! The talent is certainly present and accounted for.

Jason – Offensive line

Joe – This team just needs some well deserved full rest and a reset.

Ken – The short turnaround may have been a detriment to OSU’s focus. I can understand tired legs; tired minds are inexcusable for a Home Opener. Oh, the kicking game is atrocious.

Patrick – Dontre Wilson

Scott – Kicking game.

WVa – It is difficult watching the experienced kicker struggle the same as Kyle Clinton did and not see Neurnberger get tries. Maybe this week

Hawaii MVP

Hawaii’s defense stalked and punished CJ most of the day

MDotySr – #90 Kennedy Tulimasealii on the DL line!!

Jason – Defensive line as a whole.

Joe – The Front Four really gave a tired and confused OL troubles. They also confused the heck out of Cardale at times.

Ken – Their defense. They played at a high fervor all afternoon. Hats off to them.

Patrick – The one guy who I can’t pronounce his name let alone spell it.

Scott – All of them. Came into the Shoe and did not back down.

WVa – We will get every teams best game, but the Hawaii defense plaid an an incredibly high level on Saturday. That’s how a team like them stays in games they shouldn’t be in. Lots of credit to the game-plan.

  • Hawai’i’s defensive line, their defense, their team. A lot of respect for the Rainbow Warriors.

B1G Coach MVP

MDotySr – Dantonio on prime time!!!

Jason – Marc Dantonio


Ken – Mark Dantonio: his troops edged a pretty damn good Oregon team

Patrick – Dantonio

Scott – Urban Meyer. After a short week he got the guys ready and despite not playing their best, the Buckeyes still scored 38.

WVa – Have to go with Mark Dantonio here. One way to keep pace with the Buckeyes and make it a slim chance that both get nto the play-off after the B1G title game is win everything between here and there, especially head to head in the shoe. That’s the scariest game of the season right there.

  • Mark Dantonio with a couple of other itinerant coaches mentioned.

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