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tBBC TBBC Awards: Ohio State Versus Illinois


TBBC Awards: Ohio State Versus Illinois
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


With J.T. Barrett back at the helm this week, the Buckeyes didn’t exactly light up the scoreboard. The Silver Bullets were back to form and Ezekiel Elliott continues to roll along becoming the second best to ever carry the pigskin for Ohio State. Let’s take a look at the staff’s picks for this weeks awards.


tOSU Offensive MVP

MDotySr – EZE without a second thought.
Joe – It’s amazing to think how fast Ezekiel Elliott has ascended to the top. 15 straight 100 yard rushing games? Third All-Time on OSU rushing list? I can’t wait to see what’s ahead.
Ken – Ezekiel Elliott.. who am I to argue?
Scott – Zeke. Solidly back in the Heisman race too.
JC – I like Brandon’s thinking …. The OSU MVP trophy goes to the Heisman winner – Zeke
Brandon – The Heisman trophy winner. Zeke did what he always does and dominated.
Michael – Zeke Elliot. Another 100 yard rushing game. 2 TDs.
WVa – Ezekiel Elliott is a man on a mission and should be the Heisman front runner


The chills that run down my spine every time I hear the crowd scream "Zeeeeekkkkkeeee"

— EzekielElliott&#x23000020e300000031000020e3;5⃣ (@EzekielElliott) November 14, 2015

tOSU O-line MVP

MDotySr – Pat Elflein….Mr. Consistency.
Joe – Pat Elflein is the least talked about NFL prospect on the Ohio State roster. Another great performance as a road grader on Saturday.
Ken – I agree with Brandon, the interior line earns recognition and appreciation
Scott – I’m not picking anyone. J.T. got hit too many times and had balls knocked out of his hand. Poor performance.
JC – Again Brandon (on fire!) The whole middle three Ellein, Boren, & Price ….
Brandon – The middle three (Elflein,Boren, Price). There was no dominant performance on Saturday by the O-Line but these three did a great job of opening up running room for Zeke to start the second half and get him going.
Michael – Billy Price. Usually it’s Decker but Price had a really good game
WVa – I am going with the EBP as well

The middle of the OL or the EBP takes it this week!

tOSU Offensive Top Play

MDotySr – Barrett to Michael Thomas for the TD.
Joe – The J.T. Barrett 24-yard touchdown pass to Michael Thomas was a play of offensive beauty #HesGotTheTouch.
Ken – The Barrett 16 yard scramble on 4th & 11. The ensuing TD gave OSU some breathing room heading into the half.
Scott – 16 yard run on fourth and 11. Key conversion.
JC – Barrett to Thomas …. Gotta make these happen more often & NOW.
Brandon – The Thomas TD catch. This play shows how good he is out there. He can go one-on-one with anyone in the country and usually comes down with the ball or gets pass interference.
Michael – Barrett’s run on 4th and 11 late in 1st half. Huge play
WVa – going with the majority here as well, what makes the Thomas catch that much more remarkable is he had the wind knocked out of him on the previous play!

Barrett to Thomas for 24 yards and the TD

Michael Thomas being Magic Mike again

— Jackie Hunt (@jlhBUCKS) November 14, 2015

tOSU Offensive Unsung

MDotySr – EZE (his blocking is off the charts)
Joe -I agree with Ken. Vannett is molding himself into a high level tight end. His up-field vision is something else.
Ken – Nick Vannett; he had 3 receptions and what turned out to be a key fumble recovery
Scott – Vannett.
JC – Zeke – MDotySr. is completely right. Zeke’s blocking is “Top- shelf”.
Brandon – I’d also have to go with Vannett by virtue of no one else really standing out. The offense was purely Barrett, Zeke, and Thomas.
Michael – Nick Vannett. Had some key catches
WVa – The slobs cannot be the slobs without the two TE’s that have slowly become two of the best in the B1G

Nick Vannett is getting some attention for his play but not enough, definitely unsung


tOSU Defensive MVP

MDotySr – Joey Bosa….a man among boys.
Joe – Guys, I have a question. Why was everyone on defense wearing #97 on Saturday? #TheBosaFactor
Ken – Joey Bosa; for now he has become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds Offenses
Scott – Mr. Bosa. He is a stud.
JC – Vonn Bell all the way. I absolutely love this guy’s game.
Brandon – I’ll go with Bell. His open field tackling is simply amazing. He shut down a lot of plays where he was the last defender for awhile.
Michael – Joey Bosa. Dominated
WVa – Joey Bosa is playing at a different level than any other d-lineman in America and it’s not even close.

The Bosanator has returned and is cleaning house

This Bosa guy is pretty good, huh?

— Buckeye Sports Radio (@BuckeyesRadio) November 14, 2015

tOSU D-line MVP

MDotySr – Bosa
Joe – Joey Bosa should go down as the most versatile defensive player in Ohio State history. The way he changes the game in so many different ways is MVP enough.
Ken – Based on my DMVP, I probably should go with Bosa
Scott – Mr. Bosa. He is a stud.
JC – Joey “Mr.” Bosa no questions here.
Brandon – Bosa. We all need to enjoy watching what he does. He will be huge on Saturday on getting to Cook.
Michael – Bosa. Hello
WVa – Bosa

Unanimously Joey

tOSU Defensive Top Play

MDotySr – I have to echo Michael here!
Ken – Bosa’s sack of Lunt on Illinois’ first series. It set the tone for the rest of the game
Scott – Holding Illinois to 3 points.
JC – The entire day – holding the Illini to 3 points. It was a good day defensively.
Brandon – I honestly don’t have one play that stands out. The defense was great all the way around. A bunch of very good plays but nothing really spectacular which was game-changing.
Michael – Stopping Illinois on 4th down inside the 20. Big play
WVa – I am going with the play where Bosa lifted the Illini best offensive lineman off of his feet and to his backside, made him look like the RB from PSU last year.

Silver Bullets going full-out on the Illini offense

Silver Bullets up to something

— Mike Thomas (@Cantguardmike) November 14, 2015

tOSU Defensive Unsung

MDotySr – Tyquan Lewis!!
Joe – I have to give tons of credit to the linebacking corps in this one. As a hole, they masked any major running play and played a big role in keeping slot receivers and tight ends active throughout the day.
Ken – Oh, god, anyone but Tyvis Powell
Scott – Mr. Bosa. Not getting enough kudos.
JC – Raekwon … Raekwon …. Raekwon
Brandon – Michael Hill. Both Schutt and Hill did very good eating up defenders in the middle. Hill would help that line out a lot if he continues to progress.
Michael – Conley. Continues to impress at CB
WVa – Gareon Conley still isn’t getting the recognition he deserves, graded out a champion as far as I am concerned

Too many possibilities here, no clear cut choice!

Odds and Ends

tOSU Special Teams MVP

MDotySr – Curtis Samuel.
Joe -Curtis Samuel’s speed on the punt rush is what we should be teaching as ciriculum in elementary classrooms. It’s more monumental than U.S. history itself.
Ken – Bri’onte Dunn; he recovery of an Illinois muffed punt set up the offense with a very short field to salt the game away.
Scott – Curtis Samuel. Huge punt block.
JC – Curtis Samuel … This Brooklyn kid is getting better & better.
Brandon – Curtis Samuel. Marshall did his normal thing but the punt block was huge by Samuel.
Michael – Curtis Samuel. Huge punt block
WVa – Curtis Samuel was off the hook on Saturday

Curtis Sanuel wins hands-down

tOSU Needs Improvement

MDotySr – Turning up the throttle and closing out games big time. Stop playing down to the competition.
Joe – I don’t see anything to address on tape that won’t address itself down the stretch, besides the kicking game. Can we use The Human Punt machine on kicks too?
Ken – Mental focus. Lapses (penalties, blown coverages, missed tackles) have not been too harmful.. yet.
Scott – OL.
JC – The early play calling …. Warriner & Beck just need to buckle down and focus. I hope Urban is having “shhh! ” discussions with these two.
Brandon – Early game playcalling. I am really starting to question how properly prepared our offense is during the week. It seems like the first half of every game they are seeing defensive schemes and personnel for the first time. Once they are able to go to half, they can adjust things but there does not seem to be much adjustment going on in the first half.
Michael – Big scores. Won’t have any rest of the year. Really needed an impressive win on the scoreboard
WVa – it’s time to play nine units strong, have yet to put together a complete game

Putting things together finally seems to be the flavor of the day

Illinois MVP

MDotySr – Cain.
Joe – Wes Lunt has the talent to play on Sundays. He didn’t look excellent in this one, but who would with Swiss cheese for an offensive line that is facing a cheese grating defensive line. I’ll also give tons of credit to Desmond Cain, who has been a key target offensively all season long. The kid was supposed to redshirt at defensive back this year…
Ken – Josh Ferguson; even an injured Ferguson is scary with the ball.
Scott – Whomever fired Tim Beckman.
JC – Cain was their man.
Brandon – Yep, I have to go with Cain too. He made some great plays.
Michael – Cain. Had 34 catches or so it seemed
WVa – Cain was their playmaker and definitely will be playing on Sundays

Desmond Cain is their best player

B1G Coach MVP

MDotySr – Mike Riley only because this will be his only award all year long.
Joe – I’m with Ken! Coach Pass has really turned things around in the strongest conference in the country. This week he’s playing whatever FCS opponent is willing to rake in the money. Coach Pass is an outcast in the B1G but really knows his way around the SEC.
Ken – pass
Scott – Kirk Ferentz.
JC – I’m going with Kevin Wilson – even though they lost – he gave TTUN & Jimbo a run for their money.
Brandon – Fitzgerald. In years past, the Wildcats would have tucked their heads between their legs and completely given up on the season after the back-to back horrific losses to Michigan and Iowa. He has this team playing good again and not looking back.
Michael – Meyer. I’ll say it till he loses
WVa – I have to pass as well, the two I would have chosen lost games that were in their grasp.

Coaches take one on the chin here, toss-up

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