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via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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The offense finally awoke a bit with the help from a surprise player in the red-zone! JT Barrett made an appearance that will leave fans happy and maybe a wanting a little bit more from #16. Huge thanks to Mekka Don for stopping by and plugging in his choices!


tOSU Offensive MVP

Barrett led the charge in the red-zone on Saturday.

Mekka Don – Ezekiel Elliott

MDotySr – I’m going with Cardale Jones. 21-28, 291 yds and 2 tds.

Joe – I think Cardale is more than deserving and so is J.T. but I’m going to throw a curveball out there and hand my MVP to Michael Thomas, who had his first 100 yard game of his career.

Ken – I’ll go with the chic pick, JT Barrett. He played as a situational QB and was nearly flawless.

Patrick – JT Barrett. Offense is a different animal w jt in the game, wake up and see it Urbs.

WVa – I honestly had to flip a coin for my choice this week. The first two times it landed on it’s side and the third it rolled into a drain never to return! So, I am going with a three way tie here. JT Barrett, Cardale Jones and Michael Thomas get the nod. I may also throw MT into the unsung category because I think he is under-appreciated by us and the fans.

JT Barrett wins with the most mentions and probably should!

tOSU O-line MVP

Mekka Don – Taylor Decker

MDotySr – Pat Eflein by default.

Joe – 31 First downs? I’ll take the whole Offensive line.

Ken – I can’t help you here…

Patrick – we’ll give it to the group, seemed to block well all game.

WVa – Decker had a spot secured on the AA team this coming off-season. Pat Elflein has done everything he can and more to make an argument there should be two first teamers out of Columbus. If not, they both will probably be first rounders in the NFL draft. Elflein is rolling people left and right.

The entire group began to play at a higher level this past Saturday. Still room for improvement but getting there!

tOSU Offensive Top Play

COLUMBUS, OH – OCTOBER 10: Braxton Miller #1 of the Ohio State Buckeyes catches a 19-yard touchdown pass in the second quarter as Jalen Brooks #43 of the Maryland Terrapins closes in to defend at Ohio Stadium on October 10, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. (Photo by Jamie Sabau/Getty Images)

Mekka Don – Braxspin versus VaTech still

MDotySr – The two completions to Braxton of 33 and 19 yds (TD) by Cardale Jones.

Joe – Cardale Jones Cardale Jones. The whole state of Ohio witnessed Cardale Jones put that playaction pass of 48 yards on the the money to Jalin Marshall in the third.

Ken – The 48 yd TD pass play (Jones->Marshall). After Maryland tied the game in the 3rd qtr, this gave the Buckeyes the lead for good.

Patrick – Braxton’s touchdown. Great to seem him get in the end zone after a tough couple of years.

WVa – The mark of the team in the playoffs with Cardale was going for the jugular when needed. The long pass to Marshall was an eye opener and stole the momentum. Seemed to get Maryland out of their defensive front too.

Cardale to Marshall could become a regular thing, but so could Cardale to Braxton with catches like that!

tOSU Offensive Unsung

Mekka Don – Jalin Marshall

MDotySr – Braxton balled out!!

Joe – Braximus! Braxiumus! Big Play Braximus!

Ken – Braxton Miller – he finally got some touches and made use of them.

Patrick – still going w Zeke’s blocking AND reviving. Some of the catches he makes are catches wra don’t make.

WVa – I am sorry but Braxton isn’t happening the way he did if not for Michael Thomas day on the field. On the drive that was all Braxton he was wide open because they doubled, almost tripled down on MT. This core of receivers is almost blocking like last years now too which includes some great blocking by MT and Braxton both. Gotta go with an unsung tie here.

Braximus it is!


tOSU Defensive MVP

COLUMBUS, OH – OCTOBER 10: Raekwon McMillan #5 of the Ohio State Buckeyes and Gareon Conley #8 of the Ohio State Buckeyes gang up to stop Ty Johnson #6 of the Maryland Terrapins after a three-yard loss in the third quarter at Ohio Stadium on October 10, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State defeated Maryland 49-28. (Photo by Jamie Sabau/Getty Images)

Mekka Don – Raekwon McMillan

MDotySr – Tyquan Lewis – (see Ken)

Joe – Defensive Line Coach Larry Johnson. He has his WHOLE group ready to fire at will at any given moment. Joey Bosa had an amazing game pressuring the QB as did Tyquan Lewis, Adolphus Washington and Sam Hubbard.

Ken – Tyquan Lewis – He “only” had 5 tackles, but was very disruptive in MD backfield with a TFL and 2 sacks.

Patrick – Adolphus Washington. The big guy is putting together an aa type season.

WVa – Moving Bosa around is really only causing one thing and there isn’t a team, except for maybe PSU this week, that can take care of Tyquan Lewis with one man. We are seeing a major star blossom before our very eyes. The more teams realize they need to double him, the more dangerous he will become!

Tyquan is almost unanimous!

tOSU D-line MVP

Mekka Don – Tyquan Lewis

MDotySr – Tyquan Lewis who leads this Buckeye Team in sack this year.

Joe – I got to go with my fellow Tar Heel MDoty and my other fellow Tar Heel, Tarborro’s own Tyquan Lewis. What a performance on Saturday.

Ken – See above

Patrick – See above

WVa – See Above

Tyqaun Lewis. Tyquan Lewis. Tyquan Lewis!

tOSU Defensive Top Play

Perry destroys Hills

Mekka Don – Adolphus Washington pick six against Western TTUN

MDotySr – Got to say see Ken…..stop reading my mind Ken.

Joe – What was so great about that sack from Perry was he was spying on Hills for two straight plays and on the third play took his read and crushed the quarterback.

Ken – Josh Perry’s sack in 3rd qtr. OSU had just taken the lead and MD was driving. Perry’s sack forced a long “3 and..” situation, OSU held and scored on ensuing drive.

Patrick – Tyvis Powell finally catching an int.

WVa – I told a fan Saturday that I believed that Joshua Perry was going to have a long NFL career. Right now he is just playing with his food and letting it get back up and run away.

Josua Perry is a man amongst other men who is tearing people apart!

tOSU Defensive Unsung

Mekka Don – Gareon Conley

MDotySr – Joey Bosa, though not many sacks he was disruptive as hell!

Joe – Bosa was in on nearly every single play and put his line mates in positions to make plays. He was disruptive at defensive end and in three technique as well.

Ken – Tyvis Powell’s 4th quarter interception thwarted another Maryland drive.

Patrick – Tyquan Lewis. Would hate to see where this front seven might be w out him.

WVa – Almost no mentions of Darron Lee from week to week and that’s probably primarily due to the fact he is getting second level blocked by the other’s TE or FB. He has still been in the mix of just about everything and has saved the Buckeyes skin a time or two!

Bosa get’s the nod

Odds and Ends

tOSU Special Teams MVP

Mekka Don – Corey Smith

MDotySr – Cam Johnston.

Joe – Cam Johnston has Iron in his veins and steel in his boot.

Ken – Cam Johnston – He punted only three times, but averaged 55 yards per punt and had 2 downed inside the 20.

Patrick – Cam as usual

WVa – Cam Johnston can do it all and probably should win the best punter award

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

tOSU Needs Improvement

Buckeyes D needs to shore up the gaps and middle when facing a QB with the ability to run.

Mekka Don – O-line consistency

MDotySr – Defensive Gap Control/Integrity….Hills did to much!

Ken – Going into mental lapses that result in very long plays.

Patrick – Dontre Wilson

WVa – Going with Silver Bullets here. They need to get their name back and fast!

Defense gets the win, they need to get back to basics!

Maryland MVP

Mekka Don – QB was the man

MDotySr – Ken Again….agh!!!

Joe – Perry Hills was playing for his ball coach on Saturday and it was one hell of a performance. I look forward to seeing him develop either under a new coach or in a different program.

Ken – Their quarterback, Perry Hills. He had a big offensive day.

Patrick – Randy Edsell. Knowing he was getting canned in 48 hours he managed to have his team prepared and competed for 2.5 quarters.

WVa – Perry Hills was a surprise to everybody and had a great day

Perry Hills led the charge and kept Maryland in it for a good while.

B1G Coach MVP

Mekka Don – Urban Meyer

MDotySr – Kirk Frentz because I refuse to give TTUN any credit…..

Joe – Mike Riley, because he helped me pick up a game in the tBBC Pick-em! Thanks Mike!

Ken – Jim Harbaugh – UM rolled a (good?) Northwestern team and made it look easy.

Patrick – Dantonio. W all the injuries this team has, he still finds a way to get his team ready to play and win ballgames.

WVa – Dantonio has passed Ferentz here

Dantonio by default

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