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tBBC Takeaways from the Urban Meyer Call-in Show: Week 2

Joe Dexter

Takeaways from the Urban Meyer Call-in Show: Week 2
Joe Dexter
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Urban Meyer jumped on the airwaves for his week 2 call-in show with Paul Keels and Jim Lachey on 97.1 The Fan. Meyer touched on Hawaii, The record breaking performance and viewing of Virginia Tech and where the Buckeyes stand heading into week two. Last week’s game was the third highest viewed regular-season game in the history of ESPN college football coverage. With the win, Meyer is now 14-0 during his coaching career in season openers.

Here are my week 2 takeaways from Meyer’s call-in show.

Playing in a Tough Environment

Meyer was very happy with his team after their win over Virginia Tech in a tough environment. It showed a lot of grit being able to go into Lane Stadium and pulling off the win. One thing that Meyer took from their performance was that he saw the leadership needed from his team by responding in the second half after giving up 17 straight.

The head ball coach also touched on the offensive line finishing blocks against a very legit Virginia Tech defense. He was proud of their effort in knowing that Virginia Tech had one of the best defensive lines in the country.

The Affect of a Tough Environment

Normal game prep has been thrown out this week with a short turnaround heading into Ohio State’s home opener against the Rainbow Warriors. Meyer told Keels and Lachey that the biggest challenge this week is battling the soreness and fatigue after such a short week after a high impact game.

The coaching staff was impressed with The offensive line’s ability to finish blocks in the rush game even with the Hokies bringing pressure every single time.

Meyer said that the Buckeyes have lost three days of preparation, which could be even more tough after not planning for them at all in fall camp with all of their resources over the last six months focused on the Virginia Tech Hokies.

The Buckeyes have changed their whole Thursday and Friday routine because of the battle against soreness and fatigue this week.

Looking Back at OSU’s Performance

Even Ohio State’s lead man was impressed with the showing of senior Braxton Miller at receiver. Meyer said on the call in show that you have to have a warm place in your heart for a guy that went through what he went through the last year and a half.

Meyer went back to 1999 at Notre Dame and talked about how a receiver of his said he wasn’t able to impact the game in his mind because he didn’t touch the ball. From that moment on, Meyer said his vision of his offense changed.

Now, he has Miller, who got the ball in four different ways. A guy he believes is one of the top competitors on his roster.

“When you get great players, you get them the ball.”

When it comes to Cardale Jones, Meyer admitted that it wasn’t part of the initial game plan for 12 gauge to run the football as much but it’s part of why he got the start. He presented the best chance of

The Atmosphere at Lane Stadium

Meyer was impressed with what Frank Beamer has built at Virginia Tech. His major takeaway from appreciating the fan base and what Bemaer has built is that Lane is without a doubt a top 10 atmosphere in College football.

Meyer went on to add that you always look at all great programs and what their niche is. How do the coaches build their school into a powerhouse. It became clear quickly against VT that it’s their special teams and defense that puts them over the top.

The Quarterback Position Continues to Evolve

When it comes to Cardale Jones, Meyer admitted that it wasn’t part of the initial game plan for 12 gauge to run the football as much but it’s part of why he got the start. He presented the best chance of going over the top and earned the start because of his performance throughout the national championship run. The reason for the run plays for Cardale though had to do with having to use direct snaps so the VT defensive line doesn’t out handle you with two extra in the box.

If he could do it over, he would of tried to go over the top more to create big play opportunities.

Meyer said that week to week there is still a decision to be made at who will start. Meyer touched on the fact that there used to be a thought that you chose one quarterback and role with it. Now, he understands it might be unorthodox, but he has to get in the signal caller that gives his team a best chance to score at that given moment.

When asked about J.T. Barrett, Meyer was very open about his respect for his Sophomore quarterback. The head coach said that Barrett is one of the most unique guys he’s ever been around and said that he needs to go play football for a while then come back and coach at Ohio State where he will have a spot on his staff when he steps away from the game.

Meyer also said that his arm strength has gone from below average to very good since making his way to campus.

Hawaii Preview

The biggest advantage for Hawaii will be that they have ten days of prep compared to Ohio State’s four days.

Meyer said that Norm Chow has evolved from a big throw guy in a pro style offense into a very Baylor like offense. He added that if you screw around on defense they can get you.

The biggest challenge to Meyer will be on the offensive line, where Urban said OL coach Ed Warinner earns his keep. The Buckeyes spent six months preparing for a Bear Zero front, and now he will have four days to prep the slobs to face a 3-4 defensive that is aggressive in their blitz packages.

The Ezekiel Elliott Train Keep Rolling

Buckeye fans were upset with the playing time for Ezekiel Elliott on Monday night, when it comes to actually toughing the football. Elliott had four carries in the first half but Meyer explained that had a lot to do with the front that Virginia Tech presented.

Urban then dropped a bomb. He said that former Baltimore Raven and Super Bowl champion head coach Brian Billick said he’s the best running back blocker he’s ever seen. Meyer added he’s the best he’s been around — that he’s selfless and that has to do with his family and up bringing. Meyer said he sent the video of Braxton’s spin move and Zeke’s monster block to former Running backs coach Stan Drayton, who is now with the Chicago Bears.

Meyer concluded on the topic with, “I’ve never seen anybody without the ball play harder than him.”

Quick Hits

  • Zero true freshman played against Virginia Tech, which Meyer says goes a long ways toward where the program has grown over the last few years
  • Meyer says the coaching staff missed on the recruiting trail at tight end and the position is a mess behind Marcus Baugh and Nick Vannett
  • Integrating Suspended Four — Meyer says they have to practice well to end the week and all of them have been great. Who earns playing time? Meyer says the thing is they have plenty of depth. “Curtis Samuel is going to play. Braxton Miller is going to play.”
  • The Bucks had to reload the offensive line with this freshman class in order to “keep this going”. Meyer is excited about the freshman offensive lineman in the program.
  • Keeping Guys Motivated — Meyer said, “It’s all for one one for all. It’s a tough position for a coach when you have to take a player that you don’t have trust in. That’s not the case with 95% of our guys.”
  • Injury Report — Nobody was injured on Monday, but there are still plenty of bumps and bruises
  • Lattimore to Play — Good news for Marshon Lattimore. It looks like after battling back from a tough ACL injury, that he’ll return on Saturday.
  • Meyer made it clear that Paris Campbell is a starter and that he played well against VT. Adding that Campbell is an Ohio State type player that dropped a pass but that’s not part of the evaluation. The approach for Campbell? Throw it to him again.

The post Takeaways from the Urban Meyer Call-in Show: Week 2 appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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