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Straight Six with Will Studlien


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Will Studlien


Last night, the BPRT caught up with linebacker Will Studlien from Big Walnut High School in Sunbury, Ohio. Will is one of the stars of the class of 2009, and a Top 10 player in the state of Ohio. Besides being a blue chip football prospect, Will is also excels at rugby, a sport that he has played since the seventh grade; for our rugby fans in the audience, Will's team is the Westerville Worms. Like many Ohio high school players, Will is a big fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Here's what Will had to say in response to our "Straight Six" questions:

1. Which schools are you most interested in? Do you have a "dream school"?

Dream school = The Ohio State University, and I don't have a second choice at this time.

2. When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

Winning and team. I like how they seem to be all together. They do have game breakers, but I like their class and how they play as a team.

3. What goals have you set for yourself personally and for your team this season?

For me, I want to be the best football player I can be and work just as hard or harder than everyone else. We want to win each game and take it week by week and not overlook any team. There has been much talk about playing in a state championship, and that is clearly the ultimate goal of the team, but we must take it week by week.

4. If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths are coming up and filling holes, reading, and getting off blocks. I feel that I have good game speed and would like to improve on my pass coverage and play in space better.

5. Who are some of your favorite football players, either college or pro? Do you have any particular role models on the football field?

A.J. Hawk. I've worn his jersey number since the 8th grade. I would like to be like him - someone who doesn't hoot and holler after you pop someone, just get up, pat your defensive line on the back, and go play the next play and pop them again. Basically, lead by example.

6. Do you have any favorite movies? TV shows? Musical groups?

I love the movie 300. I watch it before games - it gets you going. Forrest Gump is a classic. I like to watch Mythbusters and the Discovery Channel. I like my good share of classic rock, but I also love my country music (Sunbury) ha ha!

Thank you for the opportunity for the interview, and I look forward to the football season.

We would like to thank Will for taking the time to answer our interview questions, and we wish him the best for the remainder of his high school career and beyond. You can see the complete interview with Will Studlien at RecruitingPlanet.
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